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Wildfire Tango

Wildfire Tango

A large frilly edged daylily..this type is my favourite as Simbad will tell you!

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Gorgeous,yes know how you like your frilly edges Tetrarch ,were' ve you been, missed you :-)
I've got 8 great plants from the isoplexis seed :-) and first flower open on neyron rose today.

29 Jun, 2012


I love this one, its so 'proud'

29 Jun, 2012


Oh wow, look at those colours, would have made a great Olympic torch!

29 Jun, 2012


You are right Sticki, just the hint of light and it glows.

Had a dose of the "downs" Simbad, just clawing myself back up..after tests I had a very serious deficiency of Vit.D!
Im glad the seeds germinated, as did Meanie's. I forgot to save some for me so when I cut down the stems put four in a pot. They have rooted!!

Isnt it just Drc! This and my Stagshorn Sumac and the thug Kwanso are the most stunning "with presence" daylilies I have at present. But more to come. Waiting for Prairie Blue Eyes, which was one of Simbad's babies.

Simbad, Im having a few of those bug attacks that swell the buds on lots of plants this year. Dont think one plant has escaped it tho they are easy to pick off and destroy.

29 Jun, 2012


Glad it's getting sorted Tet, if you take vitamin D does it help? I cant remember which foods it is in. Think i shall look into that! Does it give energy too?

29 Jun, 2012


Ive yet to notice a day for 20 days. Cant remember if he said 200 or 2000 units extra per day. Probly 200. Mushrooms provide it, and tho we eat a family pack a week it is nowhere near enough..hence the daily pill.

29 Jun, 2012


Thats an awful lot of mushrooms! I wonder if those dried porcini type are more concentrated? Mushroom soup and risotto is very nice.

29 Jun, 2012


My home made mushroom soup looks dirty and unappetising! Threw it away. We have three rice dishes each week all with mushrooms and onions as a base. Also a mushroom omelette every week

29 Jun, 2012


Ooh yes mushroom omelette is very good!

29 Jun, 2012


Mushroom are good in curry!! if you like curry like you frilly Miss.....

29 Jun, 2012


DD I like it but insides object..

29 Jun, 2012


this website contains a lot of info on vit. D.
Fish like salmon and tuna also milk and cheese are good sources.
This Wildfire Tango makes you want to get in to the garden and enjoy it. Our hemerocallis are still in the bud stage except for my original orange/yellow one which has the best show and scent since I planted it. Glad to see you back Tetra.

30 Jun, 2012


Hope you feel better soon, The sun is a great sauce of Vit D through the skin and the eyes, not so easy this summer though.

30 Jun, 2012


I like this.

30 Jun, 2012


Oh sorry your not well Tetrarch, hope they get you sorted very soon, bet mushrooms is the one thing you can't make wine from too, that'd be a much easier way to get your recommended dose ;-) xx

30 Jun, 2012


LOL! Simbad..I fear you know me well..but havent had a glass since wine, no chocolate (well very little anyway) no cake no pastry, no wonder Im depressed LOL!)

30 Jun, 2012


Nice to see you to Scotsgran. We have salmon and smoked haddock every it. Oh and Im restricted on milk and I said..not much fun! Still we are having friends around for a meal soon so on that occasion *** the diet!!

30 Jun, 2012

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This photo is of "Day lily Wildfire Tango" in Tetrarch's garden

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