Juniper doing impressions
By Franl155

4 Jul, 2012
this plant is definitely going places! with that long stem and the drooping hits, I can't make up my mind whether it's doing an impressiopn of a dragon or an anteater.
Comments on this photo
or an elephant?
4 Jul, 2012
It looks good, it's hard for me to tell but does it have blue-yellow foliage? By the way, I think it is an elephant!
11 Jul, 2012
I think it does, I took some close-up pics of this and the otehr big one in the hope that they could be identified.
11 Jul, 2012
I took a look at the link and those answers look pretty close to what I'd guess. The second is almost certainly Chamaecyparis pisifera. If the Juniper has blue and yellowish-green (or sort of cream colored foliage) as it appears in this picture it could be Daub's frosted. If it is very blue then it is probably 'Blue Star'.
12 Jul, 2012
I tried BBC Plant-finder and it offered two Juniper "blue", I'll have to check out Shoot! to find out exactly which "blue" it is. I'd not heard of the Daub's, I'll check that out, thanks. My colour vision isn't brilliant, it's blue-ish if I look very closely - but I've not noticed any cream, lol but maybe because that's cos I wasn't looking for it.
I've looked on Shoot!, it has no Juniper with "frosted", so I tird "Juniper blue" and got:
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet',
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star'
Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip' -
Juniperus conferta (Japanese shore juniper) -
RHS has two "blues", and better pix, too! still no "Juniper frosted"
Blue Carpet -
Blue Star -
I sort of lean towards Blue Star, but that may be only because that pic's a bit closer and a bit more detail can be seen - to me, anyway!
12 Jul, 2012
I'm pretty certain it is not Blue Star now, Blue Star has kind of a mounded shape. Foliage is similar though. Whatever it is, it's a blue juniper. You could do what I do and make up your own name for it.
12 Jul, 2012
lol it's flaky Juniper with a bluish tint, low gorwing, spreading (at least on one side!) I've only got the one, so "the Juniper" is really enough to identify it. hmm, Blue Junie - think I'll call it Blue Genie.
12 Jul, 2012
Looks like it likes to dangle over the edge. Quite often Bonzaid in that pose Fran.
23 Jul, 2012
it was planted in the raised bed at DITO, quite close to a corner; maybe that's the only direction it oculd spread in. I do'nt know what would happen if I clipped that bit back
25 Jul, 2012
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