The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Daylily Unknown


By Simbad

Daylily Unknown

I bought this along with another 19 from ebay they were all lost labels, either seedlings or named varieties, this seems too good to be just a seedling, fab colour :-)

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I have a couple with the same name. But it is a nice colour, and it seems to hold it well in the rain.

16 Jul, 2012


I like it!

17 Jul, 2012


Last year the colour on this was a lovely deep orange Wylie, it is a good one, opening up fully even on a cool day which some struggle to do and yes no blotches in the rain, so I love it :-)
Glad you like it Daglelie :-))

18 Jul, 2012


And so do I......

19 Jul, 2012


this is a different one kathy very nice! :-)

31 Jul, 2012

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