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Filipendula purpurea/Spiraea x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' thingymadoofers

Filipendula purpurea/Spiraea x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' thingymadoofers

This is of course Tony (Tone to his friends) Spiraea x filipendula bumalda purpurea Waterwhatsit.
Actually justt looks like Filipendula purpurea to me

Comments on this photo


well i like the fluffy pink thing next to those little sprays of white, like little bubbles!!

and i like the tall purple spiky thing and the pretty coloured ribbons of grass

18 Jul, 2012


that picture doesn't show it all:) we need to see it standing on its own - otherwise some still will be confused;-)

18 Jul, 2012


I'll just set up the lights and white background ; )

18 Jul, 2012


..............and ACTION...........roll cameras!!

18 Jul, 2012


Whatever you need Stevie, whatever....;-)

18 Jul, 2012


Just trying to set up the blandest plainest shot I can ; )

18 Jul, 2012


we're waiting Stevie.....
oh, by the way - this picture looks almost the same as this:
BUT!!!!! there is something missing Stevie, lol

19 Jul, 2012


5 Days is a long time in my garden ; )

you havevt seen

a LEAF clearly on display for those of us knowledgeable to be able to identify it 'easily'

19 Jul, 2012


but what about the missing element Stevie?

19 Jul, 2012


but what about the missing element Stevie?

19 Jul, 2012



19 Jul, 2012


i think kasy means the element she didnt like last time, the one that ought to have got nominated for goypeadia???

19 Jul, 2012


sorry - don't know how my comment has duplicated itself...
Sticki - I just love the green thingy.... that's why I was asking where it's disappeared;-)

19 Jul, 2012


ah yes wellies

19 Jul, 2012


didn't know you got wellies!!! did you Sticki?

20 Jul, 2012


no, not sure i can imagine stevie in wellies, what sort would be best do you think?

20 Jul, 2012


hmmm - can see a niche for funky desing - nothing funny around ;-(
how about those:

21 Jul, 2012


Very funny! But no sorry can't imagine stevie in those!

21 Jul, 2012

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This photo is of "Flowers Bulbs n Macro photos 2012" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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