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Shield bug


By Resi

Shield bug

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What an amazing beetle, love them all.

2 Aug, 2012


rose looks healthy...he must be on duty 24/7! Do your shield bugs give off an odour? There are plenty around this year, I smell them when I'm cutting the long stuff...they like the tall weeds in my wild patch. wish I could persuade them to help out on my roses!

2 Aug, 2012


the ones that smell of cats pee are called 'punaises' here, never mind odour Lori, they stink!! they seem to love invading our homes and in a bad year, like last year, they turn up everywhere in the house, worst is in the wardrobes, or in the beds as they spray everything with that vile smell. this particular one is one i had never come across before, lovely intricate markings, they do seem to like the rugosas. i have no idea if they eat things like greenfly, do they?

3 Aug, 2012


Shield bug. What a beautiful name for this bug. It really looks like s medieval knight with a shield :))

3 Aug, 2012


are there any aphids on your rugosas?
I think they only release that smell when they are disturbed. So far I have not seen one in the house. Posted a pic of a thistle blossom on my other page and there was a rather dead one in the pic...(by accident, didn't know it was there til I posted it...hmmm now what is that? oh yuck! )

4 Aug, 2012


all my roses exept the rugosas have aphids galore on them, and not just this year. what is it that puts them off these lovelies?? if i knew i cld extract whatever it is and spray my other roses with it. it cannt be this little shieldbug as this is the only one i have ever come across

4 Aug, 2012


Do you have any mantids? They like aphids. ladybugs are supposed to like them too. soapy water works...(not detergent..but real soap, if you can find it.) I put it in a spray bottle and let the little blighters have it! give it a while to poison the beasties and wash it down with a light spray from a hose...I had a rugosa in the last was so thorny I didn't dare get near it without gloves...the aphids liked it too...and I had to use the soapy water at least twice a season. That little rose would rebloom too, if I was careful to deadhead all the first flush of blossom.

7 Aug, 2012

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