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Brugmansia 'Jamaica Yellow' - Jamaica Yellow Angel's Trumpets

Brugmansia 'Jamaica Yellow' - Jamaica Yellow Angel's Trumpets (Brugmansia 'Jamaica Yellow' - Jamaica Yellow Angel's Trumpets)

My Angel's Trumpet have blooms; however, they don't like the hot weather of summer. They look and bloom so much better in late fall and winter. Photo taken August 7, 2012.

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I do believe that you're showing off again!!!!
Or am I just jealous.................

9 Aug, 2012


This is hardly showing off. My Angel's Trumpets look HORRIBLE!!! They hate this hot weather! It's still very HOT even at 11 p.m. tonight!

10 Aug, 2012


Ah - you are showing off!!!!!

10 Aug, 2012


Well, you can come over here and endure some of our scorching hot, humid the Angel's Trumpets. lol! :>)

10 Aug, 2012



30 May, 2017


Thanks! :>))

1 Jun, 2017



1 Jun, 2017

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This photo is of species Brugmansia 'Jamaica Yellow' - Jamaica Yellow Angel's Trumpets.

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