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More passion flowers -4

More passion flowers -4

Lovely day Saturday potting up plants

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Do you grow lemons, Steve? I see some lemon like fruits over there....and, of course, the passion flowers too :))

13 Aug, 2012


What is it Stevie? a wheelbarrow? what were you doing?

13 Aug, 2012


I have a lemon plant Kat in there but it got badly frosted in winter so its just growing back now

13 Aug, 2012


ah general tidy up and a bit of reorganising, will do a general blog soon : ) I have a really good shot which will make you all go arrhhh : )

13 Aug, 2012


arrrrhhhh really? lol.

13 Aug, 2012



13 Aug, 2012


they would have made great medals wouldnt they! spectacular flowers
glad you grow them!

13 Aug, 2012


Interesting is, I have never seen these flowers before until I saw this polytunnel. How did you come to idea to grow this plant, Steve?

13 Aug, 2012


I have had a few on my trellis Kat, but they were always late in the season and not that many flowers. This despite facing S/SW on a wall. So they need heat to get going and here they have plenty : )

13 Aug, 2012


They are tropical plants?

13 Aug, 2012


South America, America Asia, Australia, all over i belive

13 Aug, 2012


Just had a look on the net , apparently an unwanted invasive species in New Zealand!

13 Aug, 2012


It can overgrow the polutunnel then, lol. There was such a film in Czechoslovakia long time ago -some form of sci fi comedy for adults. Its title was Adele Did not have a Dinner Yet. And it was about similar plant, which liked to eat people, when the music started to play, lol. Be careful :))

13 Aug, 2012


...I mean, no chacha in polytunnel....:)

13 Aug, 2012


The passions doing really well where's the ahhh shot?!

14 Aug, 2012


ok ok, let me get me coat off ; )

14 Aug, 2012


Are you getting edible fruits too Steve?

14 Aug, 2012


What do they taste like?

14 Aug, 2012


No no fruits at all Meanie, not sure how you get them as never had them!

14 Aug, 2012


Think they look sort of like an elongogated peach.....

14 Aug, 2012


I've seen fruit before in the UK but not around here, that was on the south coast

14 Aug, 2012


But the poly tunnel....

14 Aug, 2012


ah i need to self pollinate apparently and with a different plant so will go out with my brush and see what might happen. i guess even though many flowers have opened, they only open for a day and I need a bee to go from one plant to another, lets try

14 Aug, 2012


cross pollinating that would be fun!!

you can use a feather too cant you?

14 Aug, 2012


probably grab the paintbrush : )

14 Aug, 2012


so long as you dont paint them a different colour!

be a bit like the dye / ID they put on sheep???

14 Aug, 2012


I have an image of Stevie tickling passion flowers making them giggle! Oh I wish I was a cartoonist!

15 Aug, 2012


I think you can't do it off of the same plant so had flowers on either side of the door and just kept switching, we'll wait n see!

15 Aug, 2012

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This photo is of "Passion Flower " in Stevietheterrible's garden

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