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Aarrhh shot as promised

Aarrhh shot as promised

Put this on for Sticki : )
Introducing my neighbours new (another) dog. I think the name is 'Shooma' but nickname is 'Badger' lol. A rescue dog off of a farm somewhere, say hello. Guess I'll have to be getting some more biscuits in for when this grows up : )

Comments on this photo


thats a real Aaaaaaah, aw he is soooo sweet!!

can you say hello to Shoomy Badger from me?

14 Aug, 2012


Consider it done Sticki : )

14 Aug, 2012


Love the pose it reminds me of the HMV dog pose :-)

14 Aug, 2012


Ahhhhh! You'll need a sack load of biccies for those two!

14 Aug, 2012



14 Aug, 2012

14 Aug, 2012


Hello Badger:)

14 Aug, 2012


Blimey Kat been a while since i've seen any Chaplin..

14 Aug, 2012


This one is perfect, isn´t it? Lol :) Of course, nothing for lovers of action films :)

14 Aug, 2012


Yes, makes me laugh the dog as a pillow :-))

14 Aug, 2012


Yes!:))) Lol. Also that dog´s tail as a straw and bullterrier "merry go round" the Chaplin´s trousers :))

14 Aug, 2012


I just checked what does the name Badger mean. It makes sense, Steve, LOL.

15 Aug, 2012


A Badger is a medium sized black and white mammal who lives with his family in a hole. There is contention with them here in England as they can spread TB

15 Aug, 2012


Ah, Lulu. Badgers cannot spread TB on humans. Believe or not :))

15 Aug, 2012


By the way, do you know, that London is the TB capital of Europe? It has the highest incidence of TB in Europe.

15 Aug, 2012


Quick correct from ealier 'Shuma' (or Shooma) was out today 'she' was full of fun

16 Aug, 2012


I think she is lovely! she makes me smile!!

16 Aug, 2012


She is worth of a blog :)))

16 Aug, 2012


I have a couple of pics, will include them soon : )

16 Aug, 2012


Yes please stevie!

16 Aug, 2012


OK :))

16 Aug, 2012


Yup, please.
ps I know TB isn't spread to humans.....poor badgers.
We have a badger set at the end of one of our paddocks but I have never seen them in 8 years. I need to go stalk them.............

16 Aug, 2012


more update, its actually Shula ; ) didn't hear/remember correctly. The vet has said she's got a bit of a heart murmur but sees chippy enough, crossed fingers

17 Aug, 2012


oh poor little thing, i hope she is ok, Shula is a name from the Archers!!??

17 Aug, 2012


that'll be it : )

17 Aug, 2012


'an every day tale of country folk!' my mum used to listen!!

17 Aug, 2012


Oh god, so does David! Just love the Archers!
I go blank and leave him to it!
Give me a puppy anytime!

17 Aug, 2012


Gorgeous little dog. Jx

17 Aug, 2012


oh i would choose a puppy rather the archers anytime!

17 Aug, 2012


So would I! Archers....Sluggy...........(depends on how she's behaving)

17 Aug, 2012


Longest running whatyamadoofers, Shula is still ok heard her yelping yesterday : )

18 Aug, 2012


Please say hello to Shooma for me thank's

18 Aug, 2012


will do : )

18 Aug, 2012


yelping??? was she hurt or hungry or lonely???

19 Aug, 2012


a small bark : ) seems full of fun, she was out again today came running over

19 Aug, 2012


dear little thing!!! she is so cute she could be the cuddly toy on the conveyor belt but much more fun than that!!!

19 Aug, 2012


has she met Gnuts yet?

19 Aug, 2012


no been in mostly but just out this morning for a little run around the drive, keeps nipping Kia lol

19 Aug, 2012


oooops not a good idea!!! but maybe she will have to learn that one the hard way!!! naughty Shula!!!

19 Aug, 2012


Oh she is sooo sweet ,I can see her getting completely spoilt Stevie with hugs and biscuits :o)

20 Aug, 2012


Stevie, when will you write that blog on Badger? :))

20 Aug, 2012


Thank you, yes Amy, coming soon Katarina : )

20 Aug, 2012


it will be well worth waiting for i am sure!!!
she is SO cute!!

20 Aug, 2012


Just found this, though saw Shula on another blog and fell in love with her immediately. She is just too cute! Agree with SL about HMV dog pose. Look forward to seeing more of this little one.

25 Aug, 2012


Hello! We want update :))

31 Aug, 2012


More pictures lol, haven't seen her out for a while, shes ok though, doesn't go far

31 Aug, 2012


oooh yes a whole Shula blog!!!??

31 Aug, 2012


I did more or less one with loads of shots, yet more shula!! lol. Ok will see what I can do, just have to catch her allotted play session.
How about a blog from kasy on her kittens, very fluffy?

31 Aug, 2012


oh yes puppy blog and then a kittens blog ~ excellent!!!

31 Aug, 2012


No I meant kitten blog!! 'then' a puppy blog lol, was trying to take the pressure off ; )

31 Aug, 2012


Shula and few shots of goosie, too :))

31 Aug, 2012


Does goosie know she has an admirer?

31 Aug, 2012


Yes, didn´t you read the last blog, Sticki? :))

31 Aug, 2012


i think i did?

31 Aug, 2012


So? Goosie is a big comrade with me. He has deformed beak as me...LOL.

31 Aug, 2012


i know you like goosie katarina, just wondered if goosie knew!!!!

deformed beak ~ you dont have one of those.

31 Aug, 2012


Sticki, where did you dissappear? Taking things too seriously? :)
I like the goosey very much and I know I do not have deformed beak, lol.

31 Aug, 2012


no i know you dont katarina!!!!

poor goosey, i think its a miracle he/she has survived at all ~ eating only shoe laces too!!!!

31 Aug, 2012


...laces with chutney, you forgot to add, lol.

31 Aug, 2012


ah yes, of course!!!! how could i forget the chutney!!!

31 Aug, 2012

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This photo is of "Misc 2012" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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