Its sooo hot :-)
By Simbad

19 Aug, 2012
Poor lad what a time to wear a fur coat, he's laid here with the fan blowing on him.
Comments on this photo
It's flippin' cool and wet here! Spoke to my parents today and they couldn't sleep last night as it was 84 degrees f in their bedroom last night. So this poor furry fella must be knackered.
Great photo.
19 Aug, 2012
raining here too Muddy
19 Aug, 2012
I shouldn't complain Yorkshire - at least my grass is very green LOL! ;-)
19 Aug, 2012
mine too Muddy. Lol
19 Aug, 2012
Aww bless him. Glad he's putting the scratching post to good use, so muggy here too.
19 Aug, 2012
Think it must have been around that temperature here to Muddy, nice to have some dry weather but too muggy, the sort of weather when you just can't be bothered to do anything, much cooler today and Symbas feeling much better running round the house like a mad thing, I've already had my bare feet pounced on twice little terror :-)
Thanks Yorkshire and Dawn :-), he loves his scratching post Dawn, he's really good at using it, the only thing he did scratch when he was little were the speakers on the television till one fell on him he never did it again :-)
20 Aug, 2012
These poor puss cats don't they have a hard life ? , it's been so very stifling hot here,It's been impossible to sleep apparently the grandchildren camped out on the lawn last night where it was cooler .....
I've been stung on my big toe by a bee ,gosh does it hurt ,it's a wonder you didn't hear me yell !!
20 Aug, 2012
Ouch Amy! I once got stung by a Bee on the end of my thumb - similar extremity, similar pain I'd guess? Put your feet up mate. :-)
20 Aug, 2012
amy I bet its not as painfull as my broken toe,
20 Aug, 2012
Ouch! What is it with you Lady gardeners? Are you safe to be out? . . lol!
20 Aug, 2012
I walked into the skirting board Muddy, you should see the colour and size of it, Lol
20 Aug, 2012
Oooo bet that hurt Amy and Muddy, the heat must be making the insects crabby too, I got bit on the ankle the other day too by the tiniest little insect, which was rapidly squashed :-), my foot swelled up to twice the size couldn't get my shoes on, just stopped taking my tablets for hayfever if I'd still been on them it wouldn't have bothered me, gone down now, but all yellow and purple like its bruised.
Ouch Yorkshire bet that throbs,that'll stop your gardening for a while :-(, at least yours was an accident unlike our youngest daughter who lost the nail on her big toe, grown back now, due to wearing ridiculous high shoes one night when she went out, didn't think she'd have to walk round in them all night !!!!, the things they do for fashion,lol.
20 Aug, 2012
You know the pain I'm going through then Muddy , I'm having problems walking with it the toe has turned black ,ouch !
Poor you Val ,was it to many glasses of Vino , only joking ?? I hope it soon gets better , can they do anything to help you apart from pain killers .
Kathy do Hayfever tabs help if so I might take some of mine or is it to late ? your poor daughter that must have been agony ,we live and learn I think we've all done something like that to try look good !
20 Aug, 2012
oh poor guy! Rufus does the same...stretches full length on the coolest surface he can find. Mandy used to wade into the aegopodium and mint and flop down in a shady patch...or find a spot to dig a lovely little depression to lawl in... miss her a lot. Symba's a lovely cat, Kathy.
Amy:-/...I feel your pain...I was stung on the back of my neck by a wasp!
Old remedy was to put mud on it! Yikes. Fastest acting thing is a liquid anti-histamine. My sister has a worse reaction...she has to carry an epi-pen.
20 Aug, 2012
I have a very old remedy book Lori it tells you to rub raw onion on a sting I tried that ,you could actually feel the benefit for a few minutes but I suspect you would have to be doing it often to get any results , I have a friend who has to carry an epi-pen all the time, she's terrified of being stung !
21 Aug, 2012
amy you should have put lemon juice on it, it would have stopped the throbbing and taken the swelling down,
21 Aug, 2012
Oh thanks Val ,I'll remember that but hopefully there won't be another time !!
21 Aug, 2012
Think they do work if you take them straight away Amy, my bite didn't swell up till the day after, I took one then and it did stop it itching but didn't do a lot for the swelling, I've been bitten while I've been taking them for hayfever and had no reaction, typical I'd just stopped taking them,hope yours is feeling a bit better now, nice to read all these remedies never tried raw onion or lemon!!!!!
Thanks Lori, they all have their funny little ways don't they :-), so sad when we loose our pets, we lost our lovely chocolate labrador 'Fudge' last year and we still miss him dreadfully too.
21 Aug, 2012
I'll try that next time Kathy anything to stop this awful itching ,it doesn't hurt now but the itching is dreadful !
22 Aug, 2012
The antihistamine cream's very good at stopping the itching Amy, we got some and it stops it straight away, just went to check the name but OH's taken it to work he's been bitten by something nasty too.
22 Aug, 2012
Aww Its so diificult for animals when the weather is hot, we took a little dog for a walk last week and she just flopped in a muddy pool and wouldnt come out for ages lol Poor you Amy I bet it is painful, hopefully by the time you tread this it will be better;0)
22 Aug, 2012
Poor you Amy, sounds bad. Nothing like itching, you know I know all about that. Let me tell Kathy .... I got bit about 500 times on my legs a couple of weeks ago, after working in the pond, ended up with 3 prescriptions :(. Ok now, at last.
22 Aug, 2012
Nothing like a mud bath to cool you down Carole,lol,if your a dog that is not tried it myself :-))
OUCH Dawn poor you, 1 bites bad enough but 500!!!! the bitey things always seem to hang around water don't they, glad you're better now :-)
23 Aug, 2012
Hi Kathy, I'm going to cover up near the pond in future. Weird cos I didnt feel any bites until later, I hasten to add, I was in the water though. It was terrible, the itching drove me crazy.
23 Aug, 2012
Do you have snails in your pond, Dawnsaunt?
your complaint sounded familiar to me and after a quick google of Pond Itch..or Swimmer's Itch I found this article. The larvae are the culprits. do you have mosquitoes? or midges, I think you call them.
26 Aug, 2012
Hello Lori. Thanks for sharing the article, I'll take a look. Yes, lots of water snails in the pond. I'm thinking maybe their larvae was on the reeds I was removing then! I think we have mosquitoes too.
1 Sep, 2012
You have such a lovely property, Dawnsaunt..all that water, too. Glad the info was of help to you. It could serve as a warning for all of us who have water snails...Don't wade in your ponds in August! :-)
2 Sep, 2012
Thank you Lori and thank you do much for the info. I won't be going in the water again without my waders.
3 Sep, 2012
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bless him,
19 Aug, 2012