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Reine (Rain?) des Violettes

Reine (Rain?) des Violettes (Rosa)

Love my Old Fashioned Roses :-)

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Lovely name for a lovely Rose,Muddy..Is it perfumed? the name seems to suggest it ..

20 Aug, 2012


It certainly is Bloomer! :-))

20 Aug, 2012


Thats lovely simular to one I got recently called William Shakespere smells georgous if your going to buy another

20 Aug, 2012


Hello Sixpence - if only I had some room left! ;-)

20 Aug, 2012


You could always make room I know you :+)

20 Aug, 2012 this rose!

21 Aug, 2012


Yes, I saw yours this morning. You are clearly a lady of good taste Michaella! :-))

21 Aug, 2012


lovely colour;-) i adore roses

23 Aug, 2012


Thank you Summerbreeze, they are a bit special aren't they?

23 Aug, 2012


Wow...I really like this Muddy...:>)

21 Jul, 2016

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This photo is of species Rosa.

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This photo is of "Rosa 'Reine des Violettes'" in Muddywalters's garden

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