Miracle grow trial
By Poppylover99
- 22 Aug, 2012
Can you see which basket has received the weekly dose of Miracle grow and which one has not? lol
Comments on this photo
my garden is similar to the one on the left!! i forget to feed the plants when its raining and it has rained a lot!!
22 Aug, 2012
Very nice comparison. Did they get the same sun?
22 Aug, 2012
Thats a good point LT. Im not that sure, but think the one on the right must have got its fair share as it has flowered really well. Sticki your garden is nothing like the one on the left! lol what are you like!
Cinders, I only tried the experiment with these two baskets. I didnt want to sacrifice any other plants. Its amazing how much difference the feed makes. Well worth the money.
22 Aug, 2012
you cant see my garden from there PL!!!!! and its true i forget to feed the plants when they dont need watering!!
22 Aug, 2012
Not "dishing" the experiment! LOL! Love the experiment, we must do more like this and see if some of the stuff really make a difference. So I tip my hat! I am always worried about the midday - afternoon sun, even for succulents some do better (look better) with morning sun. So the question comes from that.
22 Aug, 2012
That is a massive difference. I used that Miraclegro last year on Hostas- after a tip I read on the internet. Spritzing the foliage weekly with the stuff makes them tougher and stronger and less appealing to the slugs.
I felt it did work - but didn't do a comparison this year due to the fact we had so much rain and flooding!
22 Aug, 2012
Good advert there for Miraclegro!! lol
22 Aug, 2012
Dear Poppylover,
I feel so sorry for the basket on the left as it must have a huge dose of 'Food envy', so I appeal to you now you have proved your point, please feed the other one so it can enjoy whats left of the summer.
Yours sincerely a concerned 'basket parent'
22 Aug, 2012
Lol Drc ;-))
22 Aug, 2012
ha ha
22 Aug, 2012
Awwwww Drc, I must explain that I did this trial at the request of Miraclegrow in response to an article in a magazine. They sent me a free box, to encourage me to do the trial and send them photos as proof. I feel my work is done now and the left basket will be receiving some well deserved food. I hope its not too late! lol
23 Aug, 2012
Well you proved their stuff works. I am still feeding my annuals, I do right up to the end, so hopefully it might pick up.
23 Aug, 2012
Did you feed the other basket with anything Poppy? Or is it just the difference between food or no food?:-)
23 Aug, 2012
Nope BA the other basket just got plenty of water! no food at all.
23 Aug, 2012
Aaaah, that's the difference lol. I'm afraid I haven't done much feeding at all this year (none since spring) guilt trip now:-(
24 Aug, 2012
Well that's a good point BA. I think it would be more critical if you had not fed annuals in pots and baskets. All your lovely flowers (that I have seen) have always been planted in the ground. Ill have to do a comparison of planted stuff - next year! lol
24 Aug, 2012
My baskets and pots did get a little tomato feed early on, but I gave up when the rains came. In the garden I just scatter some Wilkinsons pelleted feed or powder or maybe blood fish and bone when I think about it. I'm not really a good gardener, bit lazy. I think it would be better if they did trials with different feeds in order to show theirs worked better (think of all the different free feed you'd get lol), but I have a sneaking feeling they're all more or less on a par:-)
25 Aug, 2012
Im a big believer in compost BA. Feed the soil not the plants. I just do an annual mulch of compost, cuts out the digging too. Cant get lazier than that! lol I just use the liquid feed in pots and containers.
25 Aug, 2012
I really do need to do some feeding and I've had nemotodes for vine weevil in my fridge for a while ... hope they're still alive lots of pots to do...must do that today:-)
26 Aug, 2012
There was a huge difference!! :o)
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A very big difference Poppy.
22 Aug, 2012