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Allium sphaerocephalon

Allium sphaerocephalon (Allium sphaerocephalon)

A bit of GOY inspired planting combo. These alliums were growing on their lonesome. Andrewr - showed a picture of his combined with Trifolium rubens- thank you Andrew.

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23 Aug, 2012


lovely ones - have these beauties

23 Aug, 2012


Junna - I don't know what Cotton Candy plant is. I have tried Google but so many different plants come up. Do you know the proper name of it please?
The Allium is a bulb - which is related to the Onion family - it has a very oniony scent.
The bees love it :))
Thanks Paul - just moved them yesterday - so I hope they survive :))

23 Aug, 2012


Hopefully Angie for you - mine gone over now

23 Aug, 2012


Sorry for that ,Ghostgarden , I'm sorry Angie for searching but we call it here cotton candy but smaller than this , very similar esp. the color then, you are right it is the favorite of the bees, i will ask the gardener for us to know the right name for this beautiful plant.

24 Aug, 2012

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