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Dinner is served ; )

Dinner is served ; )

I think the slugs will now be in for a surprise if they try to have a go at my passion fruits ; )

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how have you balanced those on??? be fun watching them try!!!!

1 Sep, 2012


Its a piece of sellotape with slug pellets and wrapped around : )

1 Sep, 2012


thats funny!!!!!

i can imagine slugs and snails on an assault course through the polytunnel ~ avoiding the sellotape!!!!

1 Sep, 2012


Hope it works for you Stevie...a great bit of ingenuity if it does.

1 Sep, 2012


you could market that!!!! taped pellets? go easily round the top of pots etc!!!

1 Sep, 2012


I'll check directly below where they are in the morning, seems a bit of a shame if they climbed all that way only to fall off in the end but...

1 Sep, 2012


have you got a bucket of beer or salt ready to catch them??

1 Sep, 2012


CĀ“est la vie, Steve :)

1 Sep, 2012


That's ingenious;but won't they eat the passion fruit first before they get to the pellets? Or am I beimg stupid?

1 Sep, 2012


only if they can jump i reckon tuesday bear!!!

1 Sep, 2012


Oh yes, I see now!! I seem to be losing brain cells at an alarming rate these days.

1 Sep, 2012


you never know with slugs though do you? stevie will have to put a camera in there to find out ????

bit scary isnt it ~ i didnt have many brain cells to start with.

1 Sep, 2012


Oooh, YES. Let's track the little Blighters while we sleep and get one step ahead of them. By which I mean let Stevie do it!

1 Sep, 2012


Its weird they must be able to smell fruits. I left my window open the other day just for 10 mins and a huge slug came in and made a run for some tomatoes on the windowsill, just caught it in time.
By the same reasoning they come along the vine and then onto the fruit.

Update - yes its actually worked well. On the other side (where I had a couple of small fruits go) I found three small slugs on the floor direct below the fruit, dead or dying : )

2 Sep, 2012


thats fabulous news

bit worried about the slug who made a run for it though ~ i have enough trouble catching the very slow moving slugs that come in my garden ~ if they start running i will never catch them ~ on the other hand, maybe they will run elsewhere and not my garden????

2 Sep, 2012


Its amazing cus you can have a real good look in all the growth, catch the occasional big one but the small ones are hard to find..but they're there..

2 Sep, 2012


some of them are tiny ~ but i dont reckon it takes them long to get to full [snake] size!!!!! BEWARE

i think you are right about them smelling the fruit ~ someone should do some research and find out what smell it is they go after????

2 Sep, 2012

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This photo is of "Passion Flower " in Stevietheterrible's garden

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