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Stickis foxglove

Stickis foxglove

Recovered nicely and doing well, thanks Sticki : )

Comments on this photo


oh, thats good!!! it looks a brighter colour than they come out here!! watch out you will probably get a few more seeding themselves next year!

1 Sep, 2012


That's a late and lovely one :)

1 Sep, 2012


the late and the lovely, good name for a band ; )

1 Sep, 2012


but not so good for a pub??

1 Sep, 2012


Very nice, I like it too :)

1 Sep, 2012


Love foxgloves! I bought a late, spotted white one for £2.80 recently and it's one of the most beautiful things in the garden at the moment.

1 Sep, 2012


Poor David, won't be drumming for a while, severe impingement in shoulder. His arm is now frozen completely and he's in ridiculous amounts of pain. x4 different pain killers incl. morphine not really helping. A & E not much help as he needs an orthopaedic surgeon to inject it. Lets hope monday will bring better results!

2 Sep, 2012


Oh no that's awful lulu. What happened? Did he have an accident?
I hope that surgeon sorts it out quickly.

2 Sep, 2012


Sorry to hear that Lulu, I hope he can recover soon : (

2 Sep, 2012


Just need an orthopaedic surgeon asap for a cortisone. Just hope they are not all off on holiday.

2 Sep, 2012


Hope you can find one soon Lulu....
Stevie - how is my foxglove doing? lol

2 Sep, 2012


they surely cant all be on holiday lulu? does it have to be a specialist surgeon?

2 Sep, 2012


It does really Sticki. Needs to be injected in just the right place. Going to the surgery this morning to see if we can find a surgeon quick!

3 Sep, 2012


i hope they have one. could you drive to another hospital if it meant quicker treatment?

3 Sep, 2012


Needs a referral really, or else we will be sitting in A & E all week!

3 Sep, 2012


oh i see, yes, you dont want that to happen

i really hope it gets sorted very soon

3 Sep, 2012


Sorry to hear about David's shoulder, Lulu and really hope they were able to do something for him today. It's awful to be in pain, but also to watch someone else's pain and be unable to help.

3 Sep, 2012


We got an MRI tomorrow and a shoulder surgeon/specialist.
I never imagined to see him in so much pain. Thanks for your concern...I will keep you posted. xx

4 Sep, 2012


glad they are sorting something out lulu, i was wondering how it was going. all the best david and lulu!

4 Sep, 2012


Well hopefully they should be able to diagnose whats going on in there. Shoulders are a tricky business, when I did mine I couldn't hardly move for 3 days. Hope it goes well.

4 Sep, 2012


Hope they'll be able to help David quickly. I still remember my toothache couple months ago... no painkillers strong enough to ease the pain...

4 Sep, 2012


Pethadine is the best but they don't use it much nowadays. It can also make a person sick. It's useful because it makes you sleep and takes the pain away.

Hope all's well with you guys. XX

5 Sep, 2012


i hope they sort it out quick lulu, maybe if you popped up to the olympics, i bet they have some painkillers there ~ sports injury specials too

5 Sep, 2012


Any news, Lulu? Sorry Stevie, we seem to have hijacked the blog!

7 Sep, 2012


No worries TB, was going to ask the same

7 Sep, 2012


Morning all! David still the same! Pain and unable to move the arm. I am thinking about a comphrey poultice! Poor man, he missed 2 out of 3 Lady Gaga concerts but I did drive him to Manchester to see her last uk concert!
We have now heard of 2 other friends who have had joint infections recently. One of them still bad after 16 weeks and the other had 10 ops. We are still waiting on the cultures to see if it is an infection. So......I have now missed 3 Thursday stall pitches and am a dab hand at putting on socks and tying shoe laces...washing up...driving (eeks) etc, etc!
Pity you lot aren't on could see the photos of my Gaga Killer 6" heels and 2" platforms! I staggered into the concert to be faced with 100 almost vertical steps down to the stage arena, clinging onto my one armed David for dear life!

13 Sep, 2012


I bet Dave stoically kept his poker face though ; )

13 Sep, 2012


Sorry to hear that David is not really any better. You may as well try a comfrey poultice to see if it will bring any relief. Hope you both enjoyed Lady Gaga - my daughter got a free ticket to see her in London last week and said it was a brilliant show.
Fingers crossed that there is no infection in David's shoulder.

13 Sep, 2012


lulu cant you put a picture of your heels on here? they would look good lined up next to wellies? how tall were you in those platforms!???

hope they sort david out soon

13 Sep, 2012


About 5'9!!
Don't think I would get away with a photo on here!!!

14 Sep, 2012


No infection TB, thank goodness. The surgeon is stumped.

14 Sep, 2012


oh thats good news at least

14 Sep, 2012


so what will they do now lulu? is it muscle tear that maybe doesnt show up on xray?? [ i dont know about these things]

14 Sep, 2012


MRI showed nothing either!

14 Sep, 2012


doesnt make sense? how about a chiropractor?

14 Sep, 2012


The shoulder can't move at all!! Next week it will be manipulated under gen A. and then the physio work it in a pool. Poor David didn't have the happiest birthday yesterday! He loves the bright flowers I bought him. Maybe take a photo and put those shoes in somehow and post it1

15 Sep, 2012


Oh poor David, so sorry and what a shame it was his birthday too! Tell him to have his birthday again when it's better, send him my best wishes please lulu.

A shoe bouquet would look lovely!

15 Sep, 2012

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This photo is of "Flowers Bulbs n Macro photos 2012" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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