A man with a big heart :)
By Katarina
- 11 Sep, 2012
Comments on this photo
You mean Chain-Chung gang? Lol.
I visited a market of folk craftsmanships few weeks ago and this was handiwork of one of the tinkers there.
12 Sep, 2012
Now thats a word I have not heard for years when I was a child they would travel the streets Sharpening all form of tools Repairing holes in kettles,and putting handles back on sauspans.Gosh that was a long time ago. B.C possibly.
12 Sep, 2012
We do not see them so often, too, lol. It is mostly a hobby for people, or they do it as artistry.
12 Sep, 2012
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looks like he is on the chain gang.
11 Sep, 2012