Pride of place for another Bill

14 Sep, 2012
As some of you know I was very successful this year in that all my Clematis Bill McKenzie seeds sprouted and have had quite a few of them. This is my best one so I decided to reward it with a place on the other side of the trellis now rather than in spring. My Koreana didn't seem to like it there so will over winter that
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Gosh well I planted a few other clem seeds and hardly anything came up. With the BM, I took seedheads of my one on the other side when they were just about to come off, put them in a plastic tub and left that out so they would dry fully. I then stacked tuibs of seed on top of each other over winter indoors so the usually thing I assume. Then sewed then into seed trays in feb/march but in the poly tunnel then potted them on and outside the weather got warmer.
I guess maybe the protection of the polytunnel was a key factor
14 Sep, 2012
Thanks Stevie I had wonder if you had sown last year as its done so well.
14 Sep, 2012
That's all grown in one year??!! Is this the magic comfrey effect? Amazing!
14 Sep, 2012
Thanks Drc, i guess bringing it on in the polytunnel, re-potting it and then leaving it in the cool zone worked as well
Sticki, notice I repotted the ones on the other side. I had just placed a Morrys £1.79 montana there just so it was outside and its grown up n through so thought I would just leave it there, thats 3 Montanas on the other side gulp!
14 Sep, 2012
their leaves are really pretty, i like the mixture of them ~ will you need to reinforce the arch at this rate?
that very light green leaf on the other side is rather nice too!
by the looks of that billy mac maybe it will need a trellis all by itself??
14 Sep, 2012
Lol yep might pull the wall down ; )
hmm the light green leaf is Stauntonia, supposed to be nice n dark but haven't fed it enough
the BM will fill the gap and spread on both sides as well : ) well thats the plan anyway
14 Sep, 2012
well i like it light green ~ maybe you could call it Stauntonia Bright Lights!?
looks like Billy is well on target! will you put him in the polytunnel over the winter?
14 Sep, 2012
Still have a few left but they are alot smaller : )
14 Sep, 2012
perhaps they will catch up? if not this year then maybe next?
14 Sep, 2012
That's amazing from seed! Well done.
14 Sep, 2012
Think it will definitely fill in any gaps!!
15 Sep, 2012
Cheers folks. I almost feel like I have elevated myself from the advanced beginner stage up to the higher level of lower intermediate ; )
Ok lulu, how about this to cheer you up, as you are quite the Clem connoisseur- ex clem sales girl supremo, I do have a few seedlings of the yellow Tangutica clem (not BM) which I have kept under wraps under tight security in my little polycave. As I understand it it is the more sought after variety and a slighty better version, is that correct?
If so would you like one of those as well?, lovingly raised from seed by my own gloves
15 Sep, 2012
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That is impressive for the first year. Any tips on how you did it?
14 Sep, 2012