badger after my birds nuts
By Steamy
- 17 Sep, 2012
Comments on this photo
brilliant photo! how fantastic!
18 Sep, 2012
Love badgers and a great Photo. It makes me sad when people go baiting for them and now they are thinking of shooting them because of TB. Why don't the farmers innoculate their cattle, and people try to catch and do the same with the badgers. they are part of our countryside heritage. Sorry folks......
Lovely you have one visit. Did you put some nuts down for him then Steamy?
1 Oct, 2012
yes put some nuts down and he lets me take his picture,i agree i dont see any reason why farmers dont inoculate there cattle, i hope they dont get this one i get a lot of pleasure watching him or her.
2 Oct, 2012
That's lovely Steamy. It's surprising how they get used to seeing you and depending on you especially at this time of the year until the SPring.
3 Oct, 2012
What a great photo.Who is the doggy?
5 Oct, 2012
the little dog on my profile was heidi,but she past away four weeks ago,left a great big hole in my life she was always with me,she was very much like yours suey.
10 Oct, 2012
So sorry Steamy,you must feel so raw inside.please except a big hug from me.I wish I could take some of your hurt bobby is nearly two,so not got to face what you are going through for a long time I hope.Spending time on grows on you might help you pass the hours,I find it quite therapeutic.Keep your chin up Steamy.
10 Oct, 2012
Sorry to hear about Heidi Steamy. Our pets mean so much to us and when they leave us it leaves a big hole in our lives. I have always adopted SIamese cats into our family and have always felt empty for a while, when they have left us. I always feel lost without another Siamese though and after a while it's down to the cat rescue.
12 Oct, 2012
Wow lucky you having s badger visit, i ve never seen one in real life, unlike the flippin heron i've just had to chase off again grrrr, fabulous bird just wish he d find a new fish bar, great picture!!!!!
So sorry for your loss, know how upseting it is to lose a much loved pet ((((((hugs)))))))
11 Nov, 2012
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What a terrific picture. Lovely badger.
17 Sep, 2012