Lancashire Lad? for Janey
By Pansypotter

4 Oct, 2012
A lovely trailing Fuchsia, given to me as a cutting, the flowers a are big , beautiful and a gorgeous peachy pink.
Comments on this photo
I love fuchsias PP I used to be a member of the Leicester Fuchsia Society for years...Swingtime is my favourite one do you know that one?
5 Oct, 2012
Hi Richard I do remember Swing time it was one of my very first Fuchsias, I dont have it any longer never seem to see it these days!
Thanks paul I had to kneeldown to take this, its in a large very heavy pot with Sweet Wiliam, and as its a trailer there want any other way [my poor knees] lol
5 Oct, 2012
I still think it looks like Pink Galore,Carole..but maybe Lancashire lad is very if I could only remember for definite,if I gave you a cutting,that would make it a lot easier for you ! :o)...there would have been a label...
5 Oct, 2012
Hi Sandra it could br Pink Galore but cant remember if you gave me one and you know me and labels lol but whatever its called I love it;0))
5 Oct, 2012
This is lovely PP, will add this to my favourites, glad i'm not the only one losing labels, put them in a garden book for safekeeping and then i can't remember where the book is!! lots of my plants were given to me as cuttings and they don't know the names cos somebody gave them a cutting, going round in circles here :)
5 Oct, 2012
Yes been there myself- even lying down :D
5 Oct, 2012
Welcome to the club Val and Paul, keep telling myself to be more organised, I mean well but, something ? someone? is not paying attention lol;0)
5 Oct, 2012
you have got me puzzled now Carole..wonder who that could be? Lol.
6 Oct, 2012
Your guess is as good as mine Sandra lol
6 Oct, 2012
I blame that Lovey and I know it couldn't possibly be you ! :o))))
7 Oct, 2012
Is "Swingtime" red and white ,PP if so i have one in a pot. Will upload a photo later, but i'm not getting down my knees!!
7 Oct, 2012
It is Valif my Memory serves me right, will look out for your Picture;0))
7 Oct, 2012
The colouring is similar Carole, but LL has medium size flowers and it's more semi trailing......I'm not sure that the leaves are quite so bright. I did send one to Clarice, I'm sure she'd be able to tell you.
8 Oct, 2012
Lovely photo! Well worth the effort you put in to get it! I've added it to my Favourites as well! :-))
8 Oct, 2012
Thanks Janey you did send me one too, but maybe this is not the one you sent!
Thanks Balcony it is a favourite of mine too;0)
8 Oct, 2012
This is a lovely one Carole ,gorgeous big flowers :o)
28 Oct, 2012
Thanks Amy still going strong ! will try and get some cuttings after the hols;0)
28 Oct, 2012
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nice picture PP :))
5 Oct, 2012