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Gardenia thunbergia - Starry Gardenia

Gardenia thunbergia - Starry Gardenia (Gardenia thunbergia - Starry Gardenia)

This Gardenia is gigantic! This is the largest growing Gardenia in California. The flowers are very large and extremely fragrant! Sometimes it's over-powering sweet fragrance is too much for people. This Gardenia is much more tender than the Mystery Gardenia. Photo taken in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. on Oct. 4, 2012.

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5 Oct, 2012


I want one!!!

5 Oct, 2012




6 Oct, 2012



I've had one for 5 years and it has never bloomed. I think it needs to be put into a bigger pot...or put into the ground.

The flowers can get as big as a grown person's hand.

6 Oct, 2012


I definitely want one now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A friend of mine is picking me up a Gardenia with daisy like flowers??? I can't wait to see her in a few hours and see if she was able to pick one up. If not, I will give them a call and see if they can bring one in for me.

6 Oct, 2012


You'll have to get one. Is this species available in Greece?

Is the one you're going to buy Gardenia jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy?'

6 Oct, 2012


I'm going to buy one when I find it. I'm not sure if it's available here.

Oh well......what I got is not a's another Natal Plum. They are selling it as a Gardenia from Africa. I accepted it with a smile since my friend went and bought it for me.

6 Oct, 2012


Sorry to hear about the Natal Plum situation! That plant is so super common here.

If I ever get some fruits off a Gardenia thunbergia, I'll send you some seeds. The big fruits are very common on large shrubs and trees. They look like a small potato.

Here's a pic with flowers and seed pods:

6 Oct, 2012


WELL....after all that.....went to see a new plant my s-in-law bought and it looks like a type of Gardenia!!! When my s-in-law saw my face she made a bee line for the other side of her balcony, hugging her plant. I'm going down to the nursery and placing my order tomorrow or the next day!

8 Oct, 2012


Is it Gardenia thunbergia?

9 Oct, 2012


No, it's not a thunbergia. This one has really big gardenia leaves and a double flower, looks like Tabernaemontana coronaria 'Plena'. I'm going to the nursery in a bit, wish me luck. ;o)

10 Oct, 2012


Tabernaemontana coronaria 'Plena' is a beautiful shrub. I've posted pics of this plant in San Diego. It's pretty commonly available here. Although, it's a touchy shrub to grow. It's very sensitive to salts in the soil and it doesn't like our water. It's also very tropical.

11 Oct, 2012


Have a look at the picture I posted. Lucky for me there was one left! It does look like a Tabernaemontana coronaria 'Plena'.

11 Oct, 2012


I'll check it out.

11 Oct, 2012

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This photo is of species Gardenia thunbergia - Starry Gardenia.

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