My Gorgeous Puppy Loki
By Dwyllis

8 Nov, 2012
I took this photo of our 13 week old Golden Retriever Loki enjoying the warmth of the sunporch this morning. He is laying in his favourite pose ... stretched flat out on his tummy ....his other favourite pose is stretched flat out on his back! I know I am biased, but I think he is absolutely beautiful & he is a very good little boy (well not sooo little .. he weighs 15.4 kilos).
Comments on this photo
AH he is gorgeous i love the name we had a dog called suki enjoy him :0)
8 Nov, 2012
He's gorgeous!
8 Nov, 2012
Awww he's lovely :o)))
8 Nov, 2012
Thank you everyone. Sue, Loki is the last puppy we will raise, as we are getting too old for the ver late nights & the early mornings lol. The reasoning behind getting him now, is so that he will be a lovely calm almost five year old when retirement age hits us. He is an adorable young fellow, but as is to be expected in such a young puppy, he does require a large amount of physical input. However, we have the hardest part behind us now, as he is house-trained ( for bodily functions at least) & he will hopefully be able to go longer than six hours at night between toileting within the next few weeks. 11.35pm so one last trip outdoors & then it's off to bed for him & for us.
8 Nov, 2012
Oh he's gorgeous Dwyllis, we had a golden retriever too when we first got married then a chocolate lab, such a gentle breed, 'Penny'(golden retriever) could carry an egg without breaking it, 'Fudge' was more an if it doesn't move eat it kinda guy,lol, you're getting me broody we've been dogless for a year and a half now :-(
Adding to favourites so I can show hubby later ;-), I'll wear him down, lol.
8 Nov, 2012
He is incredibly cute :o))
8 Nov, 2012
I really like chocolate labs, Simbad. We almost got a little choc girl a number of years ago, but then we suddenly came across a Maremma (Italian Sheepdog) puppy & totally fell in love with him. We ended up getting his sister as well .....two super large dogs joined us & preceded to eat us out of house & home, as they say. But they were an amazing pair & very gentle in spite of their size. My cats absolutely adored them. Loki is getting good with our two bengals girls, though can still get a bit over-excitable, so I still keep a close eye on interaction between them. Bengals love dogs, so I keep having to rescue them, & then they go straight back for more.
8 Nov, 2012
I'd never heard of a Maremma Dwylis so just googled it, can see why you'd fall in love what a beautiful breed!!!!!
Fudge was a lovely dog but unfortunately suffered from epilepsy at first he only had fits once or twice a year, awful to see, when he got to 9 he started getting them much more frequently, fell down the stairs during one straight through the bannisters, the vet put him on medication but he had a bad reaction had to try different things and eventually they sorted him out and he never had another fit, the vet said he had 4 other labs on his books with epilepsy all chocolate!!!!!
We have a birman cat called Symba he used to love making Fudge jump he'd flatten himself against the bottom step of the stairs or hide behind the door and jump out on him, never any claws,other times they'd curl up by the fire together :-)
Bengals are lovely, a man who belongs to the BHHS breeds them and I've looked at them on a link he put on there :-)
10 Nov, 2012
Maremmas are a stunning-looking dog, simbad, & absolutely gorgeous, but they are not great at recall, so we always had to keep ours on leads, which was a shame, as they do love to gallop. Sadly, as a super-breed,they often cross the rainbow bridge at around 7 or 8 years of age, & are prone to cancer, which is really heart-breaking.
11 Nov, 2012
" Loki at you " what a babe.
11 Nov, 2012
Reminds me of my Gemma at that age.....long gone now but a lovely girl xxx
15 Nov, 2012
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments about my big furry baby Loki. I have just returned from walking him around the block & now he is snoozing at my feet, & my little papillon is snoozing beside me on the sofa. Our twice daily walk around the block is as much for me as it is for Loki. The specialist has said that a gentle ten minute walk each day, will help strengthen my back & leg muscles & stretch out the spinal nerve which is trapped by the herniated disc ....well that is the theory anyway. So I decided that two gentle ten minute walks must be better than one ...morning & early evening. As Loki is only 14 weeks old & has only just got his full vaccination protection against Parvo, he is only just beginning to venture out in public, & does not seem to mind too much that I am not able to give him the brisk walk he will be wanting when he gets older. We met up with some children on their way to school this morning, & he enjoyed the attention he received from them. It's really good to introduce him to these new experiences, & once he is a bit older & calmer, I would like to take him visiting at our local Residential Home for elderly people. So many of them have owned dogs in the past, or have had to be separated from their beloved pet companion when they had to go into residential care, so I am sure many of them would enjoy meeting up with Loki.
15 Nov, 2012
I,m sure they would Dwyllis, in britain we have the 'pat dog' scheme and its very popular, even patients with little communication react to stroke a dog or a cat.
The animals seem instinctivly to know to be gentle. Loki is so lovely that he'll be an instant success I,m sure and it will be good for his training too xxx
16 Nov, 2012
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...taking absolute body stretch.
8 Nov, 2012