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Weather forecast for tonight-


By Kasy

Weather forecast for tonight-


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Haven't seen frost like that here yet!

10 Nov, 2012


Hello weatherman! :)) Your weather forecast is clear to all illiterates here...:))

10 Nov, 2012


we had weather like this 3 weekends ago... it's really chilly now - so looks like they'll get it right:(

10 Nov, 2012


The temperature now is 4 degrees of Celsius, but during the day it was 13 degrees. We will have rain tommorrow.
But-tramtatataaaa-end of NOvember will be sunny and warm: cheers.

10 Nov, 2012


I don't believe in long term weather forecast anymore Katarina. Don't even believe in next day forecast - just put on plenty of layers and take them on/off. Working outside all year round is tricky ;-)
But hope they are right about the weather where you are:)

10 Nov, 2012


You can calculate probability:

\Pr[a\le X\le b] = \int_a^b f(x) \, dx

10 Nov, 2012


'ouch' - said my artistic soul Katarina. I was never good at math at school, lol

10 Nov, 2012


Have you had frost already? That's a lovely picture

10 Nov, 2012


Sure Katarina.

Let X be a random variable depending on a parameter \xi . Further let f : be a continuous function.

then this should hold:

E \left[ \int \limits_a^b f(X(\xi)) d \xi \right] = \int \limits_a^b E[f(X(\xi))] d \xi
It may need the integrable condition - but when the integration limits are finite, it should be fine

or maybe:

when b - a < +\infty , we know that

\Pr\left\{(b - a)\sup_{\xi \in \Xi}|X_n(\xi) - X(\xi)| > \epsilon\right\}
= \Pr\left\{\sup_{\xi \in \Xi}|X_n(\xi) - X(\xi)| > \frac {\epsilon} {b - a}\right\} \downarrow 0 , since \frac {\epsilon} {b - a} > 0

and from the above inequality, we have

0 \leq \Pr\left\{\left|\int_a^b X_n(\xi)d\xi - \int_a^b X(\xi)d\xi \right| > \epsilon \right\} \leq \Pr\left\{(b - a)\sup_{\xi \in \Xi}|X_n(\xi) - X(\xi)| > \epsilon\right\}

By squeeze theorem, we should also have
\int_a^b X_n(\xi)d\xi \to \int_a^b X(\xi)d\xi in probability.

When is the snow coming in your forecast?

10 Nov, 2012


Fantastic calculations and I am sure you believe it and use it in daily work! :))
Unfortunately, my comment was just ironic, as I do not believe neither in statististics so much, nor in mathematic models. I believe to my guts :)))) (and bones, when iy comes to the weather :))

11 Nov, 2012


I uderstood your original comment Katarina. It made me laugh.
In real life I also use my bones to predict the weather and my life experience (and guts) everything else :))

11 Nov, 2012


LoL amusing read!

If maths and bones and imagination should ever come together (in good temperance) we would have total no/left\right//!!LiM!!Ts

11 Nov, 2012


They already are together, Lulu. In some people :)))

11 Nov, 2012


Sticki - we had first frost here few weeks ago. And it was frosty yesterday morning, but decided to stay in bed later in the morning - went for short afternoon walk instead.
Klahanie - I am not even trying to read that, lol. not science person really - more artistic soul mine is:) More rely on my intuition, lol. No bones prediction abilities yet;-)

12 Nov, 2012


It will come, no reason for worry :)

12 Nov, 2012


oh, thank you Katarina ;-)
I thought I would be young forever, lol. But according to an expert - apparently not, lol.

12 Nov, 2012


You can stay young forever. Only after forty try to avoid ribbons and backpacks.

12 Nov, 2012


oh, thank you Katarina - it's so kind of you:)
but why ribbons and backpaks?

12 Nov, 2012


That´s what French expert says :)
A very good book, very useful, informative and with a good bit of humour. I must add- for women of all ages.

12 Nov, 2012


sounds like a good book for winter. as for the clothes I don't pay attention what's fashionable as long as it is comfortable.
but I've got my own receipe:
- be a keen gardener
- talk to plants and animals
- don't wear make-up
- don't worry what other people say
-And laugh, laugh, laugh:)
- don't forget to smile at everybody, lol.
- and be optimistic no matter how many clouds are there above your head, lol
sort of works for me:)

12 Nov, 2012


This book is not about fashion a la Madonna. It is about all common nice things - how to dress is just one part. There are comments - very funny - on what women do and shouldn´t, how to make order in cupboards forever, etc. Very practical, must say.

12 Nov, 2012


checked the price - and have to say bit too expensive for me... ;-)

12 Nov, 2012


There is still an internet. Aren´t there available digital boooks or google?

12 Nov, 2012


they are available - but I am an old fashioned person I guess when it comes to reading books Katarina. Prefer paper version of it:) But will try the links and will let you know if I've changed my mind:)

12 Nov, 2012


Yes, you are right. I love classical books too :)) Their smell, touching them :)) Absolutely agree.

12 Nov, 2012

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