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New Cabin, Back

New Cabin, Back

Most of my pics of the new place are on my phone I guess. But I found this to post at request. This is the back from in the back woods, big porch, glass door that Bianca has really been enjoying. There is more house on the front, a 2 story 12x12 addition that houses what, oh yes, all my plumbing!

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Lovely setting and it looks so welcoming!

14 Nov, 2012


It certainly does look inviting GT.....beautiful setting, I bet you're just itching to get started.....:))

14 Nov, 2012


How soon will it all be under snow?

14 Nov, 2012


Looks so snug, are you in yet?

14 Nov, 2012


Oh, and now the lucky garden!!!!!
This place has no idea how lucky it is to welcome a careing gardner.
My best wishes for your new place GT!

14 Nov, 2012


Thank you all. I love it and am so glad. So much area, though much more shade in summer with all these big trees (I have an expansive view in winter when the leaves are all gone). I got in by end of August and the snow covered us a month ago. :-) Already deeply frozen, but the warmer climate is very noticable. I shiver away in town and come home and think, hmmm, this isn't so bad. Lol. The existing garden went mostly around front as there is more sun there. All this back and down here will have to be planted for shade only.

15 Nov, 2012


Glad to see you're in and settled. This winter will fly by if you are busy making plans. :-)

17 Nov, 2012


Being warmer is definitely a plus for you and Bianca, I`m glad she has settled in as well, its going to be really interesting finding the plants for the shady area and I am really looking forward to seeing you create and nurture your new garden, will you still get the visits from the four legged inhabitants???

17 Nov, 2012


Thank you Lori. And it is! We had a late first snow to start with. I dream a little every day. :-)

Lincs, I love the new climate, although it seems to come with gusting winds. I'll have to get a shot of Bianca watching the porch from the glass door. She can sit on her pillow and see everything! I'm collecting thoughts on new acquisitions for the shade and a nice back garden, down here were I shot this pic. A nice Ash tree to start. :-) Enough area for that.

17 Nov, 2012


Feet Marguerite. I usually remember to convert or

This cabin wood I haven't ventured a guess, maybe spruce. The trees are birch, boreal forest consists mainly Birch, Poplar and Spruce. I have nice big old trees but that is already a little a scary, I get big winds.

Also, about the climate, since we reach such low temperatures, it gets heavy and collects in the valley. My old garden was low, coldest spot in the neighborhood. This new one will be 10 to 15 degrees warmer on average. In the US, that is a new gardening Zone. I can add Zone 4 and maybe even Zone 5 plants to my list. Last garden I planted for Zone 1, 2, or 3. I've a steep icy drive, but worth the rise in temperature so far.

19 Nov, 2012


We notice the temperature changes with altitude bit here - even a hundred metres or so makes a big difference in either direction. I think we may be at the optimum level - not so high we get a lot of the snow up in the village (200 metres higher than us up the mountain) which stays for weeks on end, and not so far down the valley (about 400 metres lower) that we get all the freezing, damp mists that coat all the telephone and power cables with ice and make the roads like skating rinks. We've noticed that in a neighbouring town which is built on a hillside, the carpark being at the top and the market further down, you can leave the car in cold but very pleasant sunshine, and as you walk down the hill, it's like lowering yourself into a freezing bath, where you can see the ice crystals in the air. Bbrrrrrrr! Have a splendid and spectacular and safe winter!

20 Nov, 2012


Marguerite, Bianca is my cat, a lovely and welcome partner. She loves the warmth too. When I lived on the southern coast of Alaska, the snow brought down a tree right on my house, a branch struck through the roof into the floor of the loft next to my bed. The branch was feet from me! I am scared, but I try not to think about it much since then. :-) The trees here are far enough back I am pretty safe.

Gattina, it seems like the cold is heavy, probably more dense I suppose than light hot air. I think you do have just the right spot to live the way you describe it.

21 Nov, 2012


catching up but late sorry GT, you will be more than settled in by now, it looks great and more roomy than your last home, im sure you will soon fill the space with over wintering plants lol, hope Bianca is enjoying the new place to, look forward to seeing your garden evolve in spring and summer :o))

2 Feb, 2013


Thank you San. I'm really liking all the new space, and Bianca loves it! That glass door is heaven for her. Still months to see what plants in the garden liked moving and their new spots. The indoor plants flood a portion of downstairs, but I've much more space for otherwise. I'm posting slowly so you haven't fallen much behind. :-)

Marguerite, I'm not sure how I missed this! I do keep track of Bianca, she lets me know about just about everything before I see it. Such a timid little

4 Feb, 2013


Thats beautiful:)

15 Feb, 2013


Thank you Lavender. So much space to be developed, and much more size than my last cabin. I can finally stretch out! :-)

17 Feb, 2013

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