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Sleepy cat

Sleepy cat

I have always been a dog person but I love this cat, he is very friendly even with the dogs and other cats. He was dropped off by my house several years ago and I had always wanted a bobtail so I gave him a home. His name is Scooter (because he looks funny when he runs).

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Adorable..I see Scooter knows where the best seat is :o)

21 Nov, 2012


lovely cat! i love how they hide their eyes with their paws.

21 Nov, 2012


That was very nice from you. My cats do that also, when they want to sleep and they do not have enough dark in the room :)) I do not see his tail, so does he really have a bobtail?

21 Nov, 2012


Great picture looks totally spoilt.

21 Nov, 2012


He's got the best spot.....but would someone PLEASE draw the curtain!...:0))

23 Nov, 2012


Awe how sweet.

25 Nov, 2012

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