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Bought this bulb at Lidl, and it has two flower stems. The bulb looked a bit dry when I bought it but it has come up trumps !

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That's beautiful! A double!

20 Jan, 2013


a very pretty flower

21 Jan, 2013


that's a stunner...well done!

21 Jan, 2013


Thanks all. Karen I didnt do anything, just water it. Lovely isnt it.

21 Jan, 2013


what a bargain, must have the magic's lovely :o)

21 Jan, 2013


Thanks Sandra, don't know about the magic touch, can't seem to get hyacinths to bloom properly for me, they always seem to flower too soon before they've grown tall enough. Must be too warm in here !!

21 Jan, 2013


Thats a nice one..mines just got a bud coming.

21 Jan, 2013


Thanks Holly

21 Jan, 2013


Very pretty ... have you had much snow in your County, Cinders? It's beginning to thaw a little here ... thank goodness ... :o)

21 Jan, 2013


I suppose we have had about 4 - 6 inches. I haven't been out since it all came down. I have memories of a broken ankle on an icy pavement years ago, so am not going to chance it again, but it is thawing here now. Sounds like we may get some more tomorrow. Hope you are doing ok now Shirley.

21 Jan, 2013


Ouch!!! I imagine the Fracture Clinics up and down the country are very busy right now. Wise decision to stay indoors Cinders. We have rain today and the snow is disappearing fast ... hooray!

22 Jan, 2013


Shirley the snow is coming down again thick and fast this afternoon. Its going to go on all night according to the local forecast ! So won't be able to go out and spend !!

22 Jan, 2013


Oh dear, that doesn't sound good at all ... take care. Think of the pennies you're saving too ... lo!

22 Jan, 2013


Two lovely pics of your Amarylis. I have never had one but after seeing this I shall remember to get one at the end of the year - after our record breaking summer that lies ahead!!!

22 Jan, 2013


Thank you. I get one most years, as I am fascinated by how quickly they grow. I have never managed to keep a bulb for the following year though. They are beautiful flowers aren't they.

22 Jan, 2013


I can keep the bulb Cinderella but can't get them to bloom again. Yours is a lovely variety.

23 Jan, 2013


Yes thats the problem Dorjac, we want the secret. The other Stem is flowering now, and it is a slightly deeper red on the edges.

23 Jan, 2013


When do you plant them?

23 Jan, 2013


There are some really helpful and informative blogs about Amaryllis care by GoY members Balcony and Bobwalshplumerias ... just type 'Amaryllis care' into the search box at the top right of this page ... hope this helps.

23 Jan, 2013


I usually plant it round about now. Only planted this just before Christmas, its very fast growing.
Thanks Shirley.

23 Jan, 2013

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