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Helleborus Penny´s Pink.

Helleborus Penny´s Pink.

My first one.

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They are fabulous Kat , so pretty :o))

31 Jan, 2013


Thank you,

31 Jan, 2013


very lovely:-)))

1 Feb, 2013


I was surprised, too, Junna. :))

1 Feb, 2013


Surprised you have them for sale near you I have yet to see them although they were bred by RD plants near Axminster.Devon. which is about sixty miles from me.
Ashwood Nurserys have apparently had some input into the micropropagation so very likely they have them for sale ,Thats only a guess have not checked there list.
Sticki somewhere for you to go the weekend.

1 Feb, 2013


Good evening, Brian. What you mean? You are surprised to see we have Helleborus here or this specific one? To be honest, till last winter/spring when I saw Helleborus here on GoY, I had impression that we do not have these plants here. I didn´t see them in gardens and I also do not visit GC so often in winter months, when they are for sale, as I found. I went to GC this week to look for Camelia, and found this.
But I am also curious what will grow from your seeds, for which I thank you again. We will see.

1 Feb, 2013


I meant that specific one.As for seed I noticed today( it is 10c) and the first Hellebore self sown seed are starting to germinate around the parent plants .
Don't expect them to look like Penny's Pink although you never know.
Now let me direct you to Ashwoods Nursery on line(easy to Google) to there Hellebore page there they have probably the finest Hellebore selection I have ever seen.
£25.99 will buy you Penny's Pink plus about £10 postage.
There is about twenty there I would like (((about £550.00 think Iwill have to leave them to our more affluent Goyers.Its a nice thought.

1 Feb, 2013


Penny´s Pink cost me 14 Euros here. Maybe I will collect seeds for you (if I know how to do it)? and send it. Just need instructions from you when and how to collect them. No problem.

1 Feb, 2013


Such beautiful flowers. My hellebores are just beginning to show - not as fine as this though. I shall see what the babies are like!

1 Feb, 2013


Thank you, Melchi :))

1 Feb, 2013


You have the perfect picture showing us on this page.
Note the lower flower first,the anthers are full of ripe pollen just waiting for your finger or a small paint brush to transfer some to the three pronged stigma in the centre of the flower,preferable at the warmest part of the day to be most receptive.
In the top flower you will see that the pollen is not yet ripe and the anthers have not fully expanded,probably a couple of days if its similar tempetures to when you purchased it.
I can see there are other buds so the one or ones you self pollinate require identification in the form of loosely tied string with a label .
Once the flower fades you will very soon see if you have a fertile seed pod as it expands quickly.
The seed ripens quickly as well( about four weeks here) and can be lost in a day, the pods will split while they are still green, the seed changes from white to black in colour when ripe.if you are unable to watch them I tie a paper bag over ones I want to keep.
have I forgotten anything.OH yes save me some seed

1 Feb, 2013

Katarina if you can bring this up there are pics showing Pennys Pink back in 2011 when I asked a Goy member who lived a short disance from the nursery to look in on it where it had been bred.

1 Feb, 2013


Unfortunately, the link doesn´t exist any more.
It only showed:
"Maybe the photo you're looking for has been deleted, or the address isn't quite right ("

2 Feb, 2013


The blog with pictures is still to be seen,Bring up Bjs home page go to my favorite people looking for 'Teds' and in her blogs on the 4 March 2011 you will find the Pics and what she wrote about the nursery.

2 Feb, 2013

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