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this black and white cat is the latest to make her way through the cat flap. she seems to have decided to share our home. she had a scruffy lime green collar on and hissed and scrated then we found out why, she has a large stiched wound on her under belly and looks still red and sore. I have logged her and have a poster at the front of the garden, but so far no-one seems to have lost a cat. My Ellie does not like her and they hiss at each other but they seem to be tolerating each other a bit more from day to day. We cannot really afford another , having resently taking on Ginger, but what can I do, if I could find some-one to take her, is it fair to uproute her again?

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I hope the cat heals up well.
I guess you've informed all the pet lost-and-found services, and also local vets.
She is a pretty cat ... someone might be missing her ...

Kind of you to help her ... not a good idea to keep her if Ellie protests too much !

12 Feb, 2013


Poor wee thing...she's so pretty too...:>)

12 Feb, 2013


I checked like because I like that you've shown this lovely weekend cat some compassion. I hope she is claimed soon.

12 Feb, 2013


Oh what a shame we use to have stray cats coming in through the cat flap after our cats food , I'm assuming it must have an owner if it's been stitched and is wearing a collar , they have a cats home at Gressenhall where I believe they look after and re-home cats LD ... lets hope the owner is wanting it back !

12 Feb, 2013


Sorry Ldog I said the cat homing center was at Gressenhall when it's at Longham the next village along .......

13 Feb, 2013


thanks folks yes I have contacted all and sundry, she is still here, I hope she is reunited with her owner!

15 Feb, 2013


Ooohhh dear someone could be missing her dreadfully couldn't they? I'm sure she's a well loved and looked after cat... she's just gone out for a long walk and forgotten where she is. And now she's found you.... :o)))

16 Feb, 2013


she is not looking well cared for, she is very dirty and unkempt. We look at all the neighbour cats, we like watching their antics but we have not seen her before. I do not think any-one would want to rehome her, she is ill and seems very chesty. We would much like her to go to a good loving home but doubt if any -one would take her on, if she went to cat protection. So we will have to make the best of it.

20 Feb, 2013

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