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Helleborus : Pseudo "Golden Lotus"


By Naoto

Helleborus : Pseudo "Golden Lotus" (Helleborus)

Purchased from Suttons Seeds mail order back in 2011, but they don't look "golden" at all!!!! They're rather "light purple".

So I claimed that these WEREN'T Golden Lotus and fortunately Suttons apologised and gave me full refund and I didn't have to return and could keep these.

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In the photo they look red but there is a goldish streak to the back of the petals or in the veins! Certainly not a golden colour flower though ~ nice that Suttons have refunded and apologised.

25 Feb, 2013


Yes, you're right - some yellow-ish tints there. They're not fully matured so they may flower differently next year - we'll see.....

25 Feb, 2013


Is this one of those plants that if it produces seedlings they are not necessarily the same colour as the mother plant?

25 Feb, 2013


Beautiful flowers, and upright too. I had a similar experience with Suttons, and phoned them, but they said it sometimes takes a couple of years to get to the correct shade, No refund, but the plant is now producing the correct colouring.

25 Feb, 2013


You're right again - they're seedlings so slight differences should be tolerated.....

It was such a palaver - contacted Suttons by email attached with the picture of the helleborus, then they admitted that they might have sent different one (I remembered they were also selling some different types of double-flowered helleborus at the same time), but they only refunded the price of the helleborus!

So I complained again saying that it WASN'T my mistake. Eventually they refunded me fully.....Well, s*it happens.....

25 Feb, 2013


The flowers are a beautiful colour!

25 Feb, 2013


I love these, they seem taller?

25 Feb, 2013


Thanks for your comments!

Yes - they're like '12 (30cm)-ish.

28 Feb, 2013

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