Lime pie
By Klahanie

3 Mar, 2013
I made from the limes of a lime tree in our garden. Half is gone now but there are lots of limes on the tree. I found great tasting cookies (cheap) which my DH crumbles and I mix with a little bit of butter for the base.
These limes are small, yellow and delicious. They look more like little lemons on outside but the flesh is green. I wish I could grow this kind up north.
Comments on this photo
It is Alexandra. :-)
3 Mar, 2013
It looks so good! I'm getting hungry now.
I love those small yellow Mexican limes. They are widely grown here...typically, they're sweet, right?
5 Mar, 2013
They are not so tart as the key limes but still very "limey"
5 Mar, 2013
There's so many varieties of limes which grow here. I absolutely love the small yellow, sweet Mexican limes!
Key limes can be somewhat sweet, also. I don't like the shrub so much,'s very thorny!
5 Mar, 2013
I also like limes I use them a lot.
5 Mar, 2013
Lemons and limes are the most widely used citrus fruits in the world! I'm so glad I can get them from neighbors all year (especially lemons).
My neighbor has a pink lemonade tree. I love when I get bags of them when they ripen. Have you ever seen the pink lemonade tree?
If not, here a photo:
6 Mar, 2013
I have not seen these anywhere Delonix. They look interesting.
7 Mar, 2013
It was discovered as a sport off a Meyer's lemon tree. All the lemonade trees are grafted or air-layered. It has become quite a popular tree in California.
7 Mar, 2013
I know Meyer's (sweet) lemons (sold in supermarkets)and lemon trees are sold in GS as patio trees..... but these "pink lemonade trees" in your pictures have variegated not only leaves but also fruit wnich is interesting. Are all of them like that?
7 Mar, 2013
Yes, all the fruits are variegated just like the leaves.
9 Mar, 2013
Your pie looks delicious Klahanie. I buy lemons here mostly for soaking fish in before I cook it. I sometimes use lemon juice and mix with warm water and honey and drink it.
18 Mar, 2013
Hello Linda.
Thank you for your compliment . I use lemons for the same purpose as you. Strangely Mexicans do not use lemons only limes and they use it in and on everything. Popular in beer and on vegetables even on fruit. "Limonada" is made from limes, not lemons. I cannot find regular lemons in the stores and I like it in my tea, lime just does not do it.
22 Mar, 2013
You are so lucky having such and abundance of fruit, here in the UK fruit is very expensive even when it's grown here and not shipped from abroad. We go to Portugal every year and can't wait for the lemons, limes and oranges picked straight from the tree.
6 Aug, 2013
I just bought a bag of limes few days ago and will make a lime pie today (favorite treat). I do not think it will taste as good as from limes picked from a tree in the back yard down in Mexico.
What is the climate in Portugal in the winter time? Do you go in winter?
6 Aug, 2013
A half century ago an 80 year old woman friend of my parents would make us fresh Lemon Meringue pie. I haven't eaten a pie that good since.
She wasn't latin, but a mid western country gal. Her name was May. I still hear her laugh- and "eat more" in a country accent.
20 Jan, 2016
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Looks yummy!
3 Mar, 2013