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Romantic outdoors


By Dwyllis

Romantic outdoors

The French always seem to get it so right. I think this is so pretty.

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It's idyllic! So beautiful to look at when the forecast is -3! One day, we too will have roses again...

10 Mar, 2013


I agree, very beautiful. Not just French. I hope, I will bring you photos of my balcony in the summer....;-)

11 Mar, 2013


I am looking forward to seeing photos of your balcony, Katarina. We have now entered autumn, but still very hot days ...cooler early morning & evening now. No rain for months! My poor garden, which was only planted in 2011, has really suffered, as strict watering restrictions. The hedge we put in along the front, is now about 14 inches tall .....but the weeds seem to be quickly catching up! It is growing well even with only getting watered every four days.

12 Mar, 2013


Sorry to hear that. I thought that island like New Zealand is, has no problems with showers.

13 Mar, 2013


A lovely picture Dwyllis :o)

15 Mar, 2013


The entire North Island, which is where I live, was officially declared a Drought area four days ago ....first time that has happened in over thirty years. And some parts of the South Island too .....which might just never have happened before. Major catastrophe for farmers. The fields are totally brown & few animals to be seen, as they have all been shipped off before they lose too much weight. Yesterday, for the first time in three months, it rained! In our area it rained steadily for 24 hours. Other areas it only started raining a few hours ago. My garden has mostly survived with a watering every four days, but have lost some plants. The roses do not look great spot. They will be ok though. This should have been done as a Blog lol.

19 Mar, 2013

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