A closer view
By Aleyna

18 Mar, 2013
I loved these flowers. The color, the size, the beauty. I'm so glad the temperature dropped, so it will last a bit more. Right now they are one week old in my house.
Comments on this photo
How gorgeous!
19 Mar, 2013
Thank you for the comments TT and Bernieh :). I wish I could grow tulips.
19 Mar, 2013
Beautiful flower, excellent photo, Aleyna.
Why can't you grow tulips, if that isn't a stupid question?
28 Mar, 2013
HI Mouldy,
Of course not a stupid question... questions are never stupid!
Althoug I live in the very southern part of our country, the weather is not cold enough to make it grow and bloom.
If I would be lucky enough to live in a house instead of an apartment, certainly would build a cold green house to keep it on the right temperature, as it is cultivated here by "Holambra" (http://www.turismoholambra.com.br/cidade_das_flores.asp).
I know you probably wouldnt be able to read Portuguese, bur you can see the photos where they grow tulips indoors :)
28 Mar, 2013
Thank you for your comments, Aleyna.
28 Mar, 2013
You speak your own 'brand' of Portuguese in Brazil, as we, in Scotland, do with the English language.
Holambra...is that some sort of dwelling or building?
And cicade, well, I know there's a bird called cicada.
Flores...flowers, maybe?
House of birds & flowers? Lol.
We should be born with translation pathways in our brains. :-)
28 Mar, 2013
HI Mouldy, You are right... it is our own "brand" of Portuguese :)
Holambra is a city located in ParanĂ¡. A state north from us. I don't know about cicade... maybe you meant "cidade" ... the straight translation for cidade is city. Cidade das flores= city of flowers
We all should talk the same language... it would be easier... but then we brazilians and you scotish would find a way to make it proper... LOL!
29 Mar, 2013
Like us Scots, Brazillians speak with their hands a lot.
Let's not mention the hot tempers. Lol.
29 Mar, 2013
Right... LOL!
30 Mar, 2013
How stupid am I?
Just remembered...a cicada is an insect, like our British grasshopper.
They rub their wings that's why I was thinking bird.
(Mouldy puts on his dunce's cap) <:-(
31 Mar, 2013
awwwww.... lol
Please don't... dunce's cap was the earliest "bullying" acts.
of course if you will use a dunce cap most of us will use it as well...
Einstein said ..."Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish for its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid"
31 Mar, 2013
His wife was a lot more clever than him.
She probably told him that. Lol.
Me, I'm smart enough to get people to laugh, sometimes, but sometimes is better than never. ;-)
1 Apr, 2013
You are right, nowadays there is a suspicion that his "theories" were actually written for his wife.
Another lady hide on dust :o)
Another proverb.. a chinese one
"eat half,
walk twice,
laugh triple" :)
1 Apr, 2013
When they married he suddenly became more clever almost overnight?
No, she was smarter & gave him the solution, it is said.
Now THAT I believe!
Yet another proverb "If you don't behave you'll be sorry!"...my mother. Lol.
1 Apr, 2013
LOL, We can say she knew you well.
1 Apr, 2013
Mothers always do. Lol.
3 Apr, 2013
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Very pretty :o)
18 Mar, 2013