Sweetpeas give the evil.
By Mouldy

21 Mar, 2013
They're doing squat-thrusts, as part of the advanced training programme for taking over the planet.
Don't say I didn't warn you guys!
Comments on this photo
lol :O) looks like you could be in for a spot of bother there, they have got their beedy eye on you :O) it does look rather funny the way they all turn and look the same way, they are all nice and lean so obviously that is the way forward squat thrusts it is for us this morning then. :O)
22 Mar, 2013
Drat, I'm now snowed-in & at their mercy, lol!
22 Mar, 2013
be very afraid very afraid, and that is of just the snow not the triffids :O) Hope it soon clears for you Mouldy :O)
22 Mar, 2013
Yeah, I'll keep using the ointment, Olive, but we were talking about aliens and snow, then you decided to broadcast to the world about my embarrassing & (may I remind you) private rash, so now I'll have to disguise myself, when I go out in public. Lol.
22 Mar, 2013
oops sorry, thought you were snowed in!!!!
22 Mar, 2013
We've had a few inches of snow, Olive, but it's the bitterly cold wind that's going to kill off what's left of what I planted in the garden. :-(
22 Mar, 2013
Same here, sat in front of fire trying to keep warm it is bitterly cold.
22 Mar, 2013
not had snow yet so am hoping they have got the forecast grossly wrong, it is tonight and tomorrow we are supposed to get it.
22 Mar, 2013
They're spot on, here, in my area of Glasgow.
We're stuck with this until Thursday, then it's rain.
That'll make a nice wee change. Lol!
22 Mar, 2013
Are they facing the other way coz they are in the huff with you mouldy :)
22 Mar, 2013
I joked to them that they were in for the chop, Scottish. :-\
23 Mar, 2013
Amazing ;o)
23 Mar, 2013
Unless you re pot them soon they will be haunting your dreams too!
23 Mar, 2013
That's after 1hr following the sun, Terra.
Well, what little we have, Lol.
Tenacious wee buggers, aren't they?
23 Mar, 2013
That's the prob, Lulu...they've now sprouted a 2nd lot of leaves & I'm tempted to nip those out to encourage bulk, as I'd do with Basil, but I've never had any experience with sweetpeas.
Oh, to heck with it...I'm gonna try it.
23 Mar, 2013
I just remembered something about sweet peas.....good to repot now as they don't like having their roots disturbed!
I envision you madly running about your abode trying to find the right sized pots!!!
23 Mar, 2013
There seem to be 14 seedlings there ...
better than 13 .... Lol...
Would you like this added to GoYpedia Climbing Plants ?
23 Mar, 2013
Oops,...too late, Lulu.
Balconey said they get sulky, if moved, after they're planted, but eventually thrive.
I've pm'd him for advice a couple of days ago, but he must be busy.
10 have had the guillotine, 3 are still too wee & 1 is twixt/twain, so I gave it a temp reprieve.
Hope I did the right thing.
What's the GoYpedia thing, Terra?
Apologies for my ignorance.
23 Mar, 2013
Hi Mouldy ...
Go to the base of the page ... you'll see an alphabet ..
click on, for instance, G for Gnomes or F for Flowerpot People or R for Rockery Ideas.... those are some of the
categories for which I am volunteer editor...
23 Mar, 2013
Lol Terra, yes Goypedia climbing plants...!
I am looking forward to summer pics of amazingly tall sweet peas!
23 Mar, 2013
... Lol Lulu ..
I don't think they are yet quite big enough for GoYpedia Screening and Privacy Ideas ;o)
23 Mar, 2013
Is that where I get info on sweetpeas, Terra?
I'll have a go at it, but the squares look too wee for my sausagey fingers. Lol.
23 Mar, 2013
Are you two saying mine are too small? ;-)
23 Mar, 2013
I edit GoYpedia Sausage Trees ...
... honestly ... letter S
Kigelia Africana ...
23 Mar, 2013
Letter S is also for Sweet Peas,
edited by Drc726....
23 Mar, 2013
I got there. Lol.
I've asked Joy for advice, but I expect her to tell me I've gone about it all wrong! :-(
23 Mar, 2013
Next time you sow some either use the cardboard off the toilet roll or make your own pots with newspaper Mouldy, that way you just pop the whole thing straight into the ground when they are ready to go outside, therefore not disturbing the roots at all, I set a lot using this method, paper just rots away, easier to handle when transplanting and no shock to the seedlings......
25 Mar, 2013
Lincs, you're a genuis!
I'll definately do that, thanks. :-)
25 Mar, 2013
I keep meaning to make some bio pots out of the Racing Post!
25 Mar, 2013
Yeah, handy if you get the trots. Snigr.
25 Mar, 2013
I'm curious to know how the sweetpeas are going so far... keep us updated plz
27 Mar, 2013
Yes, ma'am. Lol.
I'll certainly do that, Aleyna.
28 Mar, 2013
lol :o)
29 Mar, 2013
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22 Mar, 2013