By Bjs
- 10 Apr, 2013
First ones not browned with Frost.
Comments on this photo
Very nice
10 Apr, 2013
10 Apr, 2013
They are gorgeous and much further on than mine ;0)
10 Apr, 2013
Ditto what Scottish said, but what is it?
Sorry, but if I don't ask I won't learn.
10 Apr, 2013
It is a Camellia Mouldy. Just as well there was lots of buds Bjs. It is looking lovely.
10 Apr, 2013
that is such a lovely colour - pleased the frost hasn't got to it.
11 Apr, 2013
Mouldy ask away,I still see plenty of flowers I don't recognize after growing all my life,I may not yet be mouldy but certainly Green.
There are plenty more to come and if you start to get hooked remember most things I show in my open garden are growing in neutral to acid soil (lime haters)
11 Apr, 2013
Gorgeous colour. Most of mine haven't started flowering yet but are full of buds so hoping for a good display soon.
11 Apr, 2013
I am so amazed to see you have flower heads already B. they are beautiful. Mine are tight shut. :0)
11 Apr, 2013
this is happening almost as we speak Magnolias that were tight buds three days ago are showing colour and same applies with some Rhododendrons,mind you the tempeture has risen 8/9 degrees in that time.
11 Apr, 2013
Thanks Scotsgran!
Thanks, B!
Are they scented?
11 Apr, 2013
Mine are not scented but its possible some are.
12 Apr, 2013
Hopefully mine will look as good as yours in a few weeks Brian.
13 Apr, 2013
It's lovely to look at, B, but being greedy, I want scent, too. Lol.
14 Apr, 2013
I do not have scnted camellias either but I had read they are available. Here is a recent link telling you about them. When I bought my first one I was advised to buy Williamsii hybrids because they are more adapted to our climate. Maybe you could ask a question on whether these scented ones are suitable for the area where you live. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/gardening/gardeningadvice/3336691/How-to-grow-Camellias.html
14 Apr, 2013
Thanks, Scotsgran! I'll get on to that.
14 Apr, 2013
If you can't find a camellia to suit how about a Mahonia. I have one named 'Charity' and it has a lily of the valley scent. It flowers late winter through to spring.
14 Apr, 2013
I tried the Telegraph doodah, Scotsgran, but my phone can't deal with such a long address. :-(
Will have to visit a library instead.
Mahonia is a wee bit too large (up to 10ft tall?) & I'd be concerned with it's spread, as well as it's height.
I only have a strip half a yard deep, Scotsgran, not the botanical gardens. Lol.
Come to think of it, aren't camellias even taller?
Nothing for it...I'll have to 'borrow' some of the next courtyard, come Autumn. Lol.
15 Apr, 2013
Mouldy Camellias can be trained by Pruning I do it all the time otherwise I would not be able to walk along the Paths.
It is quite easy to train one as an espalier fruit tree is done, almost flat against a wall.If you were that keen to grow one
15 Apr, 2013
How wide does their root system reach, though, Bjs, that's my only concern?
16 Apr, 2013
Don't no would have to dig one up to find out.
16 Apr, 2013
Lol. Bet at least 8 feet, like most shrubs.
Can they be trained into 'tree' structure, do you know?
If they can be espaliered, I'd imagine so.
16 Apr, 2013
Mouldy have never tried it would mean taking out all the side shoots for several years until it made the required height.One problem I have seen the soft growing point taken out by frost that would really mess up .lol
17 Apr, 2013
Two, maybe three, twined, as they're growing, might do the trick, though with the possibility of them fusing.
Hmmm, worth a try.
Frozen tips...sacking, would that work, do you think?
20 Apr, 2013
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10 Apr, 2013