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Euphorbia purpurea

Euphorbia purpurea  (Euphorbia amygdaloides purpurea.)

Closer of the flower, quite nice I think.

Comments on this photo


I do like this one, the red centres :o)

16 Apr, 2013


very nice! love the colours

16 Apr, 2013


Thanks Bloomer yes it's a nice contrast from the green :-)

Thanks Sticki :-)

16 Apr, 2013


This is lovely, I love euphorbias.

16 Apr, 2013


It is very nice!

16 Apr, 2013


it's lovely and thanks for mine SL - will get pic of it , back at parents Saturday

16 Apr, 2013


Lovely plant, Surrey. Really stands out.

16 Apr, 2013


Thanks MandyM :-)

Thanks Kat :-)

Cheers Paul, your welcome mate. :-)

Cheers Mouldy :-)

16 Apr, 2013


Gorgeous Surrey....Would look wonderful beside red tulips...:>)

16 Apr, 2013


Lovely plant and great photo Surreylad

16 Apr, 2013


Cheers Motinot, yes that sounds nice.

Thanks Dirtyred.

17 Apr, 2013


How tall does it grow, Surrey?

20 Apr, 2013


It's a smallish one Mouldy about 12 - 18 inches tops

20 Apr, 2013


Was thinking of getting one for alongside my dicentra for next year, Surrey.
What do you think?

20 Apr, 2013


that should be fine Mouldy, this ones very easy grows in shade or sun and will spread by rhizome root. it will look good mate.

20 Apr, 2013


Growing annuals from seed is so time consuming, I've figured, so I want to be less reliant on them in the future.
Obviously, they'll still have their place/s, but I don't want to repeat having 100's upon 100's of seedlings sitting around in the flat, growing spindly or dying, while we wait for the whim of the weather.
Listen to me...starting to sound like a real gardener. Lol.

20 Apr, 2013


lol yep mate :-)

i like the challenge of growing from seed though.

20 Apr, 2013


Lol. Yeah, but within reason, the reason being I can't move for seed trays, plugs & pots of varying sizes that I'm adding to on a daily basis, mate, while trying not to fall over bags of compost & having to shift plants out of the way to sit down, have a bath or climb into bed.
I'm being serious, here, Surrey!
Still, plenty of free oxygen, eh? Lol.

20 Apr, 2013


lol yes true, i'm lucky i've got the space here.

20 Apr, 2013


I'll have to knock up a wee cold-frame & a mini-greenhouse, in the back court, when I get some breathing space.
Have to use perspex, so as not to tempt the kids! ;-)
I should have thought of that before, but the job sort of snowballed on me from the last week in Feb.
Next year, though...glutton for punishment, me. Lol.

20 Apr, 2013


Lol, Perspex it quite good stuff, good luck with it.

20 Apr, 2013


Thanks, Surrey.
I'll post photos as & when.

20 Apr, 2013

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This photo is of "Euphorbia purpurea " in Surreylad's garden

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