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Wake trillium

Wake trillium

would have gone farther up the hill and taken more pics but the mosquitoes and blackflies are too plentiful!

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that looks so beautiful

8 May, 2013


I agree with Sticki...beautiful. There must be no deers in there.... they love least the white ones in our forest.

9 May, 2013


So the pigs did not eat them all up, thankgoodness.

9 May, 2013


Stunning Lori and with such lovely long stalks I was thrilled with my one plant I can't imagine having all those growing wild ......

9 May, 2013


Thanks Sticki! The deer don't seem to bother them here, Klahanie, but the pigs have taken part of the hillside, Dorjac! ..there aren't as many flowers as last year, but these are very close to our house in an area that the pigs couldn't get to without us seeing them. I continue to wage war with the pigs...might get a voltage booster for the fence...bbbbzzzzzap~ Sorry if that sounds cruel...I'm just frustrated that the neighbour won't pen them up.
Amy: If you can find them a spot where the trillium will be undisturbed, give them lots of leafmould and a bit of room to wander you will have groupings like this as their rhizomes spread. sooo? have you found any sign of the Arisaema? It is early days here..but they were probably up and perking in Feb. in Norfolk?

11 May, 2013


Thanks for that Lori , Yes I do believe something is happening with the Arisaema I can't be sure but there are signs of leaves I'll let you know when I'm positive :o))

13 May, 2013


Lori I'm confused ! you were very kind in sending me what we thought were Arisaema seed but I'm sure that now they are appearing they have the leaves of these Trilliums ,I'm putting a photo on for you judge for me , I have several of them through all with the same leaves .. If they are I don't mind at all I love them :o))

15 May, 2013


I'm positive that you have Arisaema, Amy. They put out two leaf shoots...with three leaflets...(the trillium has three brachts, and their true leaves are underground!)...will see if I can find a picture of the leaf of the arisaema for you to compare.

19 May, 2013


Thanks Lori I'm thrilled they have grown from your seed , I planted 2 more plants out today they were slightly more behind in germinating than the first lot :o))

19 May, 2013

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