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Clematis montana 'Giant Star'

Clematis montana 'Giant Star'

We went away for a few days and found this had opened up on our return. Planted by our neighbour, but we share it on both sides of the trellis topped fence.

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I agree - especially as it now almost covers the length of the fence - I took some cuttings - but no success with them.

20 May, 2013


Fingers crossed ... :o)

21 May, 2013


Great to share, good luck with your cuttings;0)

21 May, 2013


Thanks Carole - If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again - that's what my old Grandad used to tell me!

21 May, 2013


My Gran too, lol,
What about? " Home James and dont spare the Horses" that was a favourite when we played Ludo and she got one home. Happy Days;0))

22 May, 2013



22 May, 2013


my neighbour has this and no matter how they treat it, its always a stunning show every year, lovely shirley :o))

28 May, 2013


I am lucky as the opposite side of the garden has a Montana - from who knows where - clambering along the trellis top - no idea whose garden it actually starts from!

29 May, 2013


A super Montana....

4 Jun, 2013


Yes it really is, Dotty .... sadly some of the petals are falling already ... :o(

5 Jun, 2013


It must be the heat, ours are doing the same....

5 Jun, 2013

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