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Albuca nelsonii


By Meanie

Albuca nelsonii (Albuca nelsonii)

I love this tender bulb even when it's not blooming, but now that it has bloomed for the first time in my care it's even better!
It stands about 1.3 metres tall.

Comments on this photo


oh that is BIG!! love the flower head ~ those delicate white little flowers all grouped together.

cant help admiring your lovely stone wall too!

27 May, 2013


Sticki - that "lovely stone wall" is much loved by dust and spiders too! A right bugger to keep clean!

It would need support if it was outdoors HB! It worried me moving it out of the window to take this photo.

27 May, 2013


oh dear ~ i remember now we had a small fireplace made of stone [not as nice as that wall] and you are right ~ lots of dust ~ dont remember the spiders ~ must remember to tell my sister never to have a stone wall ~ she would freak out if there were spiders!!!

dont they sell a clear matt varnish ~ like a sealant that would help?

27 May, 2013


"dont they sell a clear matt varnish ~ like a sealant that would help?"

I'll look into that..............

27 May, 2013


I hope you find something that works ~ i would hate to be the cause of spoiling the look of the wall!

27 May, 2013


It's looking very good and healthy!

30 May, 2013


I am rather pleased with it!

30 May, 2013


Does it have a fragrance? I can't remember.

You should try growing Polianthes tuberosa, it's very tropical; however, the many white flowers and super sweet fragrance is worth it.

31 May, 2013


It has a very light fragrance. Certainly not as heady as Polianthes tuberosa

31 May, 2013


Poliathes tuberosa is very famous for it's very, very overwhelming fragrance.

31 May, 2013


Ooooh yes!

Only hassle that I have with it is that RSM loves it.

31 May, 2013


What's RSM?

31 May, 2013


Red Spider Mite!

31 May, 2013


OOhhh! I have such problems with spider mites on house plants. This is the reason why I have very few house plants. Most plants stay outside. I only bring my orchids indoors when they're blooming.

31 May, 2013


I'm pretty much RSM free now. Threw a pot of Polyanthes on the fire last year as it would not give them up. If any show up this year I'll be getting some predatory mites.

31 May, 2013


That's great to be RSM free.

Luckily, Polianthes tuberosa doesn't get RSM here when grown outside in the ground (where it's always grown).

Can you use a systemic on plants with spider mites?

3 Jun, 2013


I could, but nearly lost a couple of plants that way. Better to work at the humidity levels, and in the first instance of a light infection I use garlic water emulsified with a light olive oil. Seems to work on light infestations.

3 Jun, 2013


That's strange to loose a plant from systemic. I always use the systemic outdoors, then bring the plant(s) indoors after a couple of weeks. It's usually not advised to use the systemic pesticides indoors.

6 Jun, 2013


Erythrina christa galli nearly died. The other that took badly to it was Cantua buxifolia.

6 Jun, 2013


That's very strange. Maybe it was too strong of an application.

The huge 50 or 60 year old Erythrina crista-gallii around the corner from me was cut down about two months ago. It was so sad to see the huge, beautiful old Ficus benjamina (weeping figs) trees cut down, also. :>(

8 Jun, 2013

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This photo is of species Albuca nelsonii.

This photo is of "Albuca nelsonii" in Meanie's garden

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