The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Amy

Lavender  (Lavandula)

Lavender Field in Norfolk

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Just imagine the scent from all these : )

7 Jul, 2008


OMG, I could just lie down between those rows and be spirited away, they may never find me!

7 Jul, 2008


Rrrrrrrrrrrr uv been 2 Heachem have`nt u Amy?:)

7 Jul, 2008


Yep. read my letter !!!

8 Jul, 2008


Oh, wow! I love lavender, we went to Norfolk Lavender in May, but it was all green, too early for the flowers, should love to go again when it's like this.

8 Jul, 2008


wonderful! just paid a packet on ebay for a small bag of seeds [been making lavender bags] Mmmmmm

29 Aug, 2008


lol I'll have to find new words for "wonderful", that's the only I can think of most of the time when I see your pics. but this certainly qualifies.

26 Feb, 2012


These rows are wonderful. Thank you for navigation, Amy. You taught me something new. :)))

11 Jun, 2012

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This photo is of species Lavandula.

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This photo is of "Lavender fields " in Amy's garden

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