Purple Passion
By Scotkat
- 3 Jun, 2013
Comments on this photo
Motinot its stunning I think I may see if I can get a white one to grow behind as there is space.
What does everyone think white or lemon.
4 Jun, 2013
oh white definitely Scotkat, gorgeous.
9 Jun, 2013
Shirwhirl I did go buy another Cunningham white which is now planted behind and I have also ordered another Enkianthus to plant at the side of Purple Passion.
9 Jun, 2013
What is Enkianthus? ... don't know that one!
9 Jun, 2013
I would go Apricot with purple...but that's me! This is really beautiful Kath! It's like the one at Chris' back garden, but even deeper purple.
10 Jun, 2013
Yes Karen much deeper than Chris one.
Shall see the space as both grow Karen to see if room for another.
10 Jun, 2013
Yes, good plan!
10 Jun, 2013
I used to have an even darker one called purple prince, but it died on me :( It was a stunner too.
10 Jun, 2013
And I can grow Rhodies no problem Karen.
Next to my pink camelia I would like to have a rhod.
A nice red or pinkie white one.
As for now next to it I moved Pink Marble to grow next to it but it may end up at Glamis.
10 Jun, 2013
It was the only one I ever lost Kath...I think it was diseased. I've tried to find it, but it doesn't seem to exist any more. I might have got the wrong name, but don't think so...but it was even darker than yours, and it had a speckly throat to each flower. oh well....:)
10 Jun, 2013
At least I do have a painting of it. my friend Doris painted it for me.
10 Jun, 2013
Can you put a photo of your painting on Goy Karensusan?
10 Jun, 2013
Yes, I can Shirley. Watch out for it!
11 Jun, 2013
Thank you - I will. x :)
11 Jun, 2013
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Wow...fabulous colour S...:>)
3 Jun, 2013