Araucaria heterophylla - Norfolk Island Pine
By Delonix1

12 Jun, 2013
A tall, narrow Norfolk Island Pine with high clouds in the background. This is the view from a friend's house. Photo taken June 11, 2013.
Comments on this photo
This one is most likely around 60ft (18m) tall. The one in my front yard is 85ft (26m) and very messy. I've had millions of seeds everywhere for the last 7 months.
Norfolk Island Pines are extremely common trees here and they can grow to more than 200ft (61m) tall.
25 Jun, 2013
Wow! I like tall trees in their place, but would like it in my garden!!
25 Jun, 2013
You would like such a large tree in your garden?
25 Jun, 2013
Sorry! No typed that wrongly!!!
NO I Wouldn't Like Such A Large Tree in my garden!
My neighbour has planted a Beech Tree in his garden (luckily the opposite side of his garden from us)
and they grow Very Big, so I am a bit worried about that one!!
It has only been in from a sapling for a few years and already it must be getting towards 20 - 30 ft!!
They take up too much water to have in a small garden, besides overpowering everything else!!
25 Jun, 2013
Okay, now I understand. :>)
I have 3 major large trees in my front yard. The giant Norfolk Island Pine, Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) and a huge Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia). They do give good shade, which I need here in inland San Diego, CA.
25 Jun, 2013
Beautiful trees to give you shade anyway.
26 Jun, 2013
Yes, I do need the shade here. Starting tomorrow and for a week we're in for some extremely high heat here. I am already hating it! It's still very warm tonight at 1:12 a.m.
26 Jun, 2013
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24 Jun, 2013