Daphne x whiteorum 'Kilmeston'
By Rkwright
- 27 Jun, 2013
I tried this one before and wasn't able to keep it alive very long but hopefully this time will be different. I just got this about a month ago and usually they don't want to flower for a while after being planted so I was surprised to find these flower buds the other day. This is a very pretty and delicate looking daphne. Most daphnes are straggly looking in a pot and won't look their best for at least a couple months but they are well worth the wait.
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Same here! This daphne really doesn't like being wet all winter and I'm not entirely sure if it will be cold-hardy here but most of them have been far more tolerant of the cold than I expected. If nothing else I hope I can get some cuttings rooted so I have some back-up plants!
1 Jul, 2013
please keep us updated!
1 Jul, 2013
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fingers crossed for this one.
27 Jun, 2013