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A garden flower photo

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This is the size of the trees which surround the back of our garden, the woodland is about 80 acres and shelters us from the cold Easterlies. The disadvantage is the light which they block out from the garden when they are in full leaf, mainly Oak and Silver Birch, with the odd Elderberry, Yew and Mountain Ash dotted in and around it.

11 Jul, 2013


very lovely surrounds :) from jane..

11 Jul, 2013


Yes indeed Jane we are very fortunate to live in such a beautiful spot. :O)

11 Jul, 2013


it does look a bit like where i live :) but your garden not like mine. lol...just your surrounds...

11 Jul, 2013


You will get there in time. :O)

11 Jul, 2013


Have you been climbing up on the roof?

11 Jul, 2013


No, just pointed the camera and pushed the button lol :O) It does look a bit like I have been on high :O)

11 Jul, 2013


Blimey! You must have grown a lot lately then! Lol! Or perhaps your arms have stretched....?! No...I bet you've taken up walking on stilts...your latest Hobby?! Or maybe Paul lifted you on his shoulders....sorry, now I 'm being silly!

11 Jul, 2013


lol :O) grown wider and that is definitely the reason Paul would not have lifted me on his shoulders lol :O) as for walking I struggle to keep both feet on the floor these days let alone standing on stilts. lol nope I stood at the back door and pointed the camera upwards just so everyone could see how big the Christmas tree is now. :O)

12 Jul, 2013


That is a lovely picture!

12 Jul, 2013


:O) thanks Michaella.

12 Jul, 2013

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