Buddleja davidii 'Pink delight' very tall reaches well over 10ft every year despite being heavily cut back after flowering.
By Drc726

28 Jul, 2013
Comments on this photo
I think they like it Surreylad as I always get a good show the next year.
28 Jul, 2013
I cut mine back too and they always fill back out nicely and flower well. I like the color of these flowers, I don't see light pink as often as I see a lot of the other colors. I recently found one I had forgotten about called Honeycomb with fragrant yellow flowers. Hopefully the cuttings I got will root and survive. I have been having trouble this season rooting easier plants for some reason, maybe from the cool and damp summer.
14 Aug, 2013
I love this pink one Rkw as the flower heads are huge and so many of them and I get a good second show with this one.
14 Aug, 2013
I didn't notice before but those are huge flower heads! I've had buttefly bushes bloom right into October before, once they start flowering they don't want to stop
15 Aug, 2013
This one is great for a long show but I do trim it in September.
15 Aug, 2013
How wide is it's growth, Drc?
19 Aug, 2013
Its about 5 ft across Mouldy when flowering but after I reduce it by a third, but it does need plenty of room as it splays out.
19 Aug, 2013
Sadly, not what I'm after, but it's in my faves, as I've a feeling I'll need one at some point in the future.
20 Aug, 2013
20 Aug, 2013
Love Buddleia, this one is really lovely. One of my faves is Buddleia 'Gulliver' it's flowers are cone shaped!
9 Sep, 2013
I like that one too Helenium
9 Sep, 2013
I saw an oatmeal coloured one, last week.
It appears to be growing beside the wall of a disused industrial unit.
How would I go about taking a cutting, after I've sought permission, of course?!
In fact, it looks like the one in the photos, right. Lol.
9 Sep, 2013
Take some damp tissue and a plastic bag and try to find new growth that has not flowered wrap, it up and keep the cut end damp till you get home then cut clean just below a node and take most of the leaves off as soon as you can.
9 Sep, 2013
I take cuttings that have (depending on plant) 2-3 nodes, remove lower leaves and bury at least 2 of the nodes in any multipurpose compost and water in. Others might have a different method.
Good luck with them - they're FAB plants that smell lovely!
9 Sep, 2013
Ladies, I'm beholden to you both!
(Mouldy plans his adventure for the following day).
P.S. What's a node?
9 Sep, 2013
Sorry its where the stem swells around the leaf so cut just below.
9 Sep, 2013
Just assumed, Mouldy. Sorry! Well explained Drc.
9 Sep, 2013
A rank beginner, but learning every day.
A new word to work into a pub conversation.
Can life get any better? Lol.
Thanks, again, ladies!
Recap : fresh, unflowering growth. Cut below node, strip off leaves, wrap in damp tissue, plant up, then cross fingers & hope.
Gotcha. ;-)
Is that just with budds, or can this method be employed with other plants?
9 Sep, 2013
That's usually the most popular way of taking cuttings, Mouldy, but, there are other methods of propagation i.e. root cuttings which I can think of two. Its better to either watch it being done (try utube) or with diagrams in a book, (I prefer the former) It all sounds a bit complicated but once you see it being done a few times you get the hang of it. Hope I've not just complicated things!
10 Sep, 2013
Thanks, again, Helium & no, you've not confused me...rather, you've simplified what I'd imagined to be a complicated process.
I'm off to terra-firm the univere now.
"I may be gone some time". Lol.
10 Sep, 2013
The damp tissue is just till you get home lol
10 Sep, 2013
I knew that. Lol.
It's just that I felt txting 'remove damp tissue before planting' was superfluous.
Come to think of it...it might have got an extra laugh. :-(
11 Sep, 2013
ha ha
11 Sep, 2013
Thank-you, young lady! ;-)
Sadly, I was too late, as every branch was in bloom, so I'll give it another go next Spring.
Ever the optimist, me...except when I'm pessimistic. Lol.
13 Sep, 2013
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That's the best way to treat them, mine I cut right back to the main stem each year.
28 Jul, 2013