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Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'. I can never resist take a photo of this one. It has to have Epsom salts 3 times during the growing season or it goes very brown and spotted.


By Drc726

Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'. I can never resist take a photo of this one. It has to have Epsom salts 3 times during the growing season or it goes very brown and spotted.

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I give the E.salts to roses.... I did not know that clems like it as well, thanks for the tip, Drc.
Lovely clematis.

28 Jul, 2013


Not heard of the Epsom Salts treatment, how does that work then?

28 Jul, 2013


Nor me! Do tell how much, my Clems need a boost!!

28 Jul, 2013


Gardeners over 150 years ago used Epsom salts on plants such as roses to give them magnesium.
Over 30 years ago my father in law told me about this magnesium depletion and how to treat it and over the years I have noticed on heavy clay some plants do become short of nutrients such as magnesium so I have given them Epsom salts and watched them recover.

I do the same for the clematis as I do for the roses. I give all my clematis a handful of dry Epsom salts around the base every 6 weeks 3 times during the spring/summer months and gently hoe in or mulch on top. I do not mix with water as I believe this just soaks away so I put it around when dry and wait for rain or water lightly after a few days. This is on top of my normal feeding.

If you have no problems I would not do this as plant food should be enough.

28 Jul, 2013


I have two or three in pots and altho I've fed them they dont look that well and have one near a wall and it goes brown at bottom yet top growth is healthy..might try it just once to see...

28 Jul, 2013


Near a wall it might be dry? but worth a try with the Epsom salts Tetrarch.

28 Jul, 2013


Well I never, very interesting, thanks for that, I shall remember Epsom Salts if mine starts to look off colour!!

28 Jul, 2013


We do water it Drc but its also heavyish clay there so dont want it too wet for winter (its the last place to lose frost and get going as its a north/east corner). Cant remember if heavy soil has much magnesium or not. Worth a try I guess.

28 Jul, 2013


I too have heavy clay Tetrarch and although it has nutrients, often the plants cannot get at them (which is why I cannot grow plants like Delphiniums) so I need to add the EP.

28 Jul, 2013


Oh Im glad you mentioned Delphs, just bought my first one ever - the new Coral Sunset, couldnt resist! - so will keep an eye and use e-salts if necessary..thanks

28 Jul, 2013


Sorry Tetrarch. I meant - Delphs sometimes cannot get at the nutrients in hard clay if its a dry time. This a local gardener told me when I asked him why plants like Delphs dont grow in my garden, so I have not tried them with EP.

29 Jul, 2013


ok gotcha! Tho if I get a problem I might try the salts as last resort. Thanks for making clear lol!

29 Jul, 2013



30 Jul, 2013


Very informative. My thanks to all!
Lovely blooms, Drc!

19 Aug, 2013


Thanks Mouldy.

19 Aug, 2013


Fabulous clematis and very interesting about the Epsom salts.

20 Apr, 2014


Thanks Alan.

20 Apr, 2014

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This photo is of "Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'" in Drc726's garden

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