Kigelia africana - Sausage Tree
By Delonix1

2 Sep, 2013
This sausage tree was loaded with the sausage-type seed pods. Photo taken Aug. 30, 2013.
Comments on this photo
It can get pretty large, also. This one is kept small for some reason. There's many in Balboa Park and at the San Diego Zoo there's probably more than 100 sausage trees planted.
2 Sep, 2013
would knock one Unconscious :):)
Do animals/birds feed on these pods?
very interesting set of photos... thank you for posting.
2 Sep, 2013
Yes, you have to be careful where it's planted. It can do major damage to cars if planted by a driveway.
The pods are extremely hard. They are used medicinally, though.
2 Sep, 2013
not such a silly thought then :)
most plants have a use... ive been learning..
thank you Delonix1...
2 Sep, 2013
You're welcome! :>)
2 Sep, 2013
Love that - wonderfully different!
2 Sep, 2013
Yes, it's grown as an oddity ornamental. I have 6 trees which I grew from seed. One is almost 8ft tall and is 3 years old.
3 Sep, 2013
Certainly qualifies as an oddity! Havew yours bloomed yet?
3 Sep, 2013
No, mine have not bloomed. I think they take around 4 - 7 years to bloom.
3 Sep, 2013
Remarkable ... another for GoYpedia :o)
9 Sep, 2013
Glad you liked it! :>)
10 Sep, 2013
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Frankly, that tree is amazing!
2 Sep, 2013