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Salvia 'Amistad'

Salvia 'Amistad' (Salvia)

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That is lovely, very much like my black and blue....

12 Oct, 2013


Yes, I can see the resemblance. :-)

13 Oct, 2013


Usual question Spritz - is it hardy?
It's one that I'm going to add to my collection next year.

I've just lifted Black Knight, a] because I want it to bloom so it's in the g/house, and b] I can find no definitive answer to the question of its hardiness.

19 Oct, 2013


Only marginally, Meanie. I had one in a more exposed position a while ago, and it didn't survive. This one has the protection of 'The Great Wall' and is facing south, so I have my fingers crossed.

20 Oct, 2013


Ah - another one to overwinter next year then. At least Salvia are easy from cuttings so that we can be sure of back-up plants.

20 Oct, 2013


I'm ashamed to say I didn't take any, Meanie. <blush, blush>

21 Oct, 2013


Doh! It's not too late - I still have various Salvia cuttings striking easily enough.

21 Oct, 2013


Maybe I'll give it a try, then.

23 Oct, 2013


a stunning colour.

31 Oct, 2013


It's grown into a sturdy plant - I know it's 'border-line' hardy, but I hope that as it's in a S-facing border with wall protection, I might save it.

1 Nov, 2013


i'll keep fingers crossed for it then :o)

1 Nov, 2013


Thanks. I can but hope - and keep the fleece handy.

2 Nov, 2013


hi very nice!i also have this got some cuttings last year from wisey out of about 30 cuttings i got maybe 10 plants by the time i got ready to plant out only 5 made it and now i have to decide weather to dig up (no greenhouse) or leave a grower told me he lives near a saw mill and puts a bucket of sawdust on each plant it looks unsightly but forms its own crust to repel water and keep plant from freezing he says he has better luck with plants in the ground rather than storing them in pots he loses more

2 Nov, 2013



3 Nov, 2013

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This photo is of species Salvia.

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This photo is of "Salvia 'Amistad'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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