Pansies F1 Hybrids on balcony railings 14th-October-2013 002
By Balcony

15 Oct, 2013
Pansies F1 Hybrids on balcony railings 14th October 2013. After few days on the balcony floor these are back once again on the railings. They are looking fine now!
Comments on this photo
i like the pots... :-))) i mean the way you have arrange them and what you placed them into.
15 Oct, 2013
the plant holders intrested me too, Jane, I think it was Balcony who told me they're called "Spainish rings" or something like that, so I searched and found several. Now all I need is something to hang 'em from ...
15 Oct, 2013
Spanish rings... i so will use these, they are great...thank you :-)))))
15 Oct, 2013
they must be adjustable... seen loads of balcony in Spain...with these now i think on it. do you recall that??
15 Oct, 2013
I'm not sure, to be honest, I only looked tehm up out of curiousity, not with any intent to buy any, as I had nowhere to use them. Think Amazon do them, and I seem to recall there's a Spanish Ring website, or something like that.
15 Oct, 2013
Good one for GoYpedia :o)
16 Oct, 2013
will take look...thx Franl155...and thank you Balcony..very much because i love terracotta pots and have always wanted to display them like you have and never found a gad-git that i like enough to do the display with..until now!!!
Pansies look so good too..everything seen..
16 Oct, 2013
think Amazon also had some adjustable wall-rings, but don't want to influence you in their direction - if they do them, others will as well!
but here's what they look like:
16 Oct, 2013
i looked :-))) they unavailable at moment but its another thing i will get too... that was very helpful... well pleased... thx Flanl155....
16 Oct, 2013
if they have them (even if they haven't at the moment!) other places will sell them too; the pic was just to give you an idea of what they look like
16 Oct, 2013
;-))) thank you...
you have quite a assortment of flowers under your pansy too Balcony...they also look very nice in your Balcony display...this is very inspiring for those people who live in flats and are in search of planting ideas :-)))) thank you... i do not live in a flat but will refer to your planting on balcony if i ever do!!!!
17 Oct, 2013
If you have any walls, Jane, sure the rings would work just as well.
17 Oct, 2013
17 Oct, 2013
lol my new place has hedges and wood fences ,neither of which I can hang rings off, so I might work towards replacing them ... though the hook that they hang by might need to be widened, or the top of the wall might need to be slimmed, depending on how much reach the hooks have.
What do yours have, Balcony? how wide a top would they fit over, do you think?
17 Oct, 2013
These rings I bought when I lived in Spain. They are well over 20 years old now. I've used them for the last 12 years here on our balcony railings & before that on at least another two balconies in Cuenca. Yet they don't look any different from the day I purchased them!
They have different widths for different size pots but they aren't adjustable. I have 3 or 4 sizes & more than the 10 that are in permanent use. The smaller ones I don't use as I don't have pots small enough to use them. I suppose I did in Spain as I had a lot more railings, on a couple of balconies, back & front of the flat.
These are designed to fit over a flat, horizontal surface such as is the case with our railings here. Had they been rounded the rings would have been of no use. Being made of aluminium they are fairly easy to open, both in the width of the ring itself & the hook piece. Obviously you can't open them much but I do adjust them a little for different size pots.
You can't use these on walls, they are designed to be used just as you see in my photos. They can only be used on horizontal surfaces not vertical. They hooks will only fit over a couple of inches at most. They are a bit wide for our railings thus the reason why you see them hanging halfway down the pots. It's more important to keep the pots horizontal rather than the rings.
18 Oct, 2013
thanks for that very detailed answer, Balcony!
I've seen "plant screens", with built-in rings for pots, but when I checked, they were for 3-4" pots, and what use is that to a proper gardener?!
So unless I get railings of the right size, probably no use for me. Ah well.
I've seen "saddle" type planters that sit astride a wall and have planters on either side, but again probably only small planters and again, would need a wall of the right thickness.
18 Oct, 2013
I've also seen these "saddle" type planters that sit astride a wall in fact the local council uses similar ones to sit on some railings around the bus station & a children's play area as well as a park. I also know of a house where they have them on some wooden fencing, I think they have been there for the last 2 years.
21 Oct, 2013
interesting; will have to see what can be done ...
22 Oct, 2013
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they look none the worse for their detour *s*
15 Oct, 2013