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Another flowering cactus,for Carole :o)


By Bloomer

Another flowering cactus,for Carole :o)

Good friends think alike too :o) x

Comments on this photo


how beautiful..:-)

10 Nov, 2013


Really lovely. They are well worth having and I am without one at the moment so I must do something about it!!

10 Nov, 2013


Thank you Sandra..a shame the flowers don't last so long,and it's then back to boring,for the rest of the year :o)

10 Nov, 2013


Thanks almost looks after itself on the bathroom window sill..but always nice to see the buds forming again :o)

10 Nov, 2013


Thank you,H.bird..I had no idea what colour it was going to be,as it was on a 'get rid quick' rack at a garden centre,almost two years ago..£1.50p..a good bargain :o)

10 Nov, 2013


Are you sure you didn't borrow that from Carole Sandra Lol x

11 Nov, 2013


Lol,Amy..I could almost have,couldn't I ? :o)

11 Nov, 2013


Very pretty Bloomer my Mum always had one I gave it to her friend as she always admired it, I didn't have much success with mine. :o)

11 Nov, 2013


Hi SANDRA, well we both have very good taste in our plants dont we, yours is a definate twin to mine which s now in full flower too, will p.m you tomorrow;0)

11 Nov, 2013


We do Carole..I meant to ring you tonight..oops ! I will look out for your PM :o)

11 Nov, 2013


Very nice Sandra....

14 Nov, 2013


Thanks cheers me up in the bathroom every morning :o)

14 Nov, 2013


Is this the one you posted a pic of last year? If so, it's looking great again. As expected mine came out while we were away, but it's still looking good.

16 Nov, 2013


firstly,I love your new Avatar,Waddy..a good photo of you :o) Yes it is the same one ..I must look back to see if it's grown tend to forget,don't you? Yours would be a nice surprise to welcome you home:o)

16 Nov, 2013


Well thank you kind lady...Richard took it using my phone. I don't know who was more surprised him because he actually made it work or me because I didn't quite look like a halloween character!
I think yours looks quite a bit bigger than last year...the cacti, dear the cacti..honestly! lol.

17 Nov, 2013


Well done Richard,and stop putting yourself down Waddy,you always look nice:o)..I'm so glad you were referring to the Cactus and not 'does my bum look big in this ' ! Lol.xx

17 Nov, 2013

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