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December Poppy ACEO

December Poppy ACEO

a small painting of my December Poppy that flowered this month in my garden.

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Fab -u - lous :o))
Hi Louisa ..
well done ..
I like your choice of colours ..
very delicate and pretty !

22 Dec, 2013


Pretty poppy and nice water colour!

22 Dec, 2013


Agree very impressive.

22 Dec, 2013


That's smashing Louisa - how wish I could draw :)

22 Dec, 2013


Thanks all! :)

22 Dec, 2013


A lovely painting of a very pretty Poppy ... well done!

22 Dec, 2013


Beautiful painting,Louisa..I also wish I could paint too..a big brush and Emulsion is as near as I get :o) Merry Christmas to you and your parents..x

22 Dec, 2013


Well done :o) It's a lovely painting.

22 Dec, 2013


That is a lovely momento of a beautiful flower. A painting is so much more evocative of the flower than a photograph will be. I have only painted one painting and I wish I had more time to learn how to do more. I went to a class for a few months but I could not paint what was offered as the subject. I got very involved in doing a painting of Kuekenhof garden from a photo I had taken on a visit there. Well done.

23 Dec, 2013


Thank you all. I find painting very relaxing. I've never been to classes, I don't want to have to paint what I'm told to, so I learn from books. A lot of it is just a case of having fun with paint, seeing what happens, and the best paintings are usually the result of happy accidents:)

23 Dec, 2013


You would have found a soul mate in my teacher who is an artist. He understood that you need to have a relationship with your subject and I was lucky that I had something I wanted to paint. My daughter in law is an artist and she does some whacky things. She did do a degree in Belfast and Norwich and she was allowed a lot of free rein about what she was doing. I found my teacher good for explaining how to get the right shade of paint on the paper. It looks different when it is wet to what it looks like when it dries. Maybe one of these days I will get back to the drawing board. At the moment I am clearing out like mad. I have decided I have had enough of all the accumulated "things" in my house and I am being ruthless in getting rid of them. Please keep painting and sharing your paintings with us.

24 Dec, 2013


A beautiful painting, Lousa. Merry Christmas!

24 Dec, 2013


I agree, a beautiful painting !

5 Jan, 2014


Thank you all, your comment are much appreciated!

6 Jan, 2014


very very,pretty lovely work again :)

29 Jan, 2014

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This photo is of "Poppy" in Louisa15's garden

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