Large Christmas Tree on driveway side.
By Oliveoil

10 Jan, 2014
Still standing after all the winds we have had.
Comments on this photo
Just what I was going to ask! It's lovely.
10 Jan, 2014
No I don't but that is an idea, must get a cherry picker to put a star on the top as well. lol. No electrics in the garden so that is my excuse and I am sticking to it. Although I did used to have a set of solar fairy lights which I had on another less taller christmas tree which lit up at dusk and went off during the daytime. That would work but do not fancy the climb up to put in that tree. lol.
10 Jan, 2014
Leccy bill would give you a shock, I'd think.
11 Jan, 2014
It gives me a shock every quarter Mouldy, we are all electric, no gas here and no central heating so we are very expensive electric users. We cope just. lol.
11 Jan, 2014
I hate central heating, encourages germs, etc.
I prefer cooking with gas, however...immediate control.
But then...explosions. Hmmm.
Makes you think, dunnit? Lol.
13 Jan, 2014
Certainly does but I try not to think too hard it hurts my brain lol :O)
13 Jan, 2014
Can't help it, Olive, cooped up in this e-shed for months.
14 Jan, 2014
So glad this is still upright ... :o)
15 Jan, 2014
The custom of the fairy on top of the tree began when fairies used to sell trees for Santa.
He bought materials with the profits for the elves to make toys in the workshop.
15 Jan, 2014
Ooh hello Mouldy ... where have you been? I must catch up on GoY blogs to see if all is well with you. Happy New Year to you ... have you just surfaced from some wild Hogmanay party? Forgive me if I'm a) completely wrong and b) too cheeky for my own good!
15 Jan, 2014
Hi Shirley and Happy New Year!
I had a technical problem, now solved & some ongoing health issues.
It's nice to be back on Goy.
S'cuse me, while I use my weeping glass. Lol.
15 Jan, 2014
You had just one technical problem Mouldy? I have many of those ... constantly! Keep well ... :o)
16 Jan, 2014
Thanks Shirley, I'll do my best. Lol.
How're things with you?
16 Jan, 2014
Not the greatest start to the year with my old Mum blowing her microwave up ... luckily she had left the kitchen when it exploded ... a foil wrapped spud didn't suit it ... :o(((
She is now having Meals on Wheels delivery service and will not be getting a replacement microwave any time soon!
I have my heart rhythm and diabetes all under control now ... lapsed a bit with sweet foods over Christmas ... well a girl's gotta indulge ... lol!
The flower borders and grass are saturated ... I dug up and re-sited a few Snowdrops earlier today as the sun was shining (hooray!) but the spade almost got stuck in the mud. There are signs of new growth everywhere ... roll on Spring ... followed by a hot Summer ... :o)
16 Jan, 2014
Glad to hear your mum got out of the kitchen alive!
Us guys have to indulge, too, but we usually opt for beer. ;-)
The back courts, here, are the same as where you are.
I don't dare tread on any of the grassed areas, as I know they'll be destroyed.
Having said that, a bit of re-seeding wouldn't go amiss this spring, after I've hoicked out some of the stumps and roots of the trees that were flattened, when the building next door was demolished last February!
Why, oh, why do I keep on making more work for myself? Lol.
16 Jan, 2014
Pity the demolition team didn't tidy them up ... we had hail and rain through the night and early morning ... many country lanes with floods ... and a car alarm was going off somewhere close by ... grrr!
17 Jan, 2014
I'm in a legal battle with Glasgow City council over the cost of the plants I've bought, etc.
I'm hopeful they'll bung in a few bob.
Ever the optimist, eh? Lol.
17 Jan, 2014
Good luck with that! :o)
18 Jan, 2014
Lol Mel!
Luck has nothing to do with it.
Surprising what the word "media" can achieve, if whispered in the right ears. ;-)
19 Jan, 2014
Ooh ... you putting the 'frighteners' on? ..........
19 Jan, 2014
Commonwealth games, the Homecoming & the rugby, too.
Last thing the council want is a disabled David versus Goliath story that the entire world might see.
Old Chinese proverb, Shirley, (Mistakenly attributed to Teddy Roosevelt!) : Walk softly and carry a big stick. ;-)
19 Jan, 2014
Sound advice!
Barbara ... apologies for hijacking your photo thread!!!
20 Jan, 2014
lol no problems Shirley, enjoyed the banter very much and of course blogging is all about nattering on and enjoying the company of some very funny people. I love it please keep it coming guys, great fun. :O)))))
20 Jan, 2014
Fanx darlin' ;-)
20 Jan, 2014
Gor blimey Mouldy ... you've gone all Cockney!
21 Jan, 2014
'at'll be livin' in poplar, east London for a while, Shirley.
Rubs off, dunnit?
21 Jan, 2014
That explains how you rabbit on sometimes, me old china! Go and 'ave a cup of Rosy Lee, don't get in a two and eight! I love Cockney rhyming slang ... :o)
21 Jan, 2014
lol :o)))) me too Shirley :O)
21 Jan, 2014
Ha ha Barbara ... I also know some rude ones but wouldn't dream of printing those ... lol!
21 Jan, 2014
Would you adam'n'eve it...they're all at it!
I'm orf darn the frog to the battle to chuck a few pigs darn me gregory, then a nice hot ruby, before climbing the apples, orf wiv me daisies, into uncle, me loaf laid on the willow an' some bo. Lol.
22 Jan, 2014
Translations please :o) for those who are not as good at cockney rhyming slang - What are you like Mouldy, so funny. How is the no smoking going? Hope your are getting there. Keep up the good work, what is the cockney rhyming slang for that?
22 Jan, 2014
Mouldy - here's my best shot at translating:
Would you believe it ... off to the boozer (battle cruiser) to chuck a few beers (pig's ears ) down my neck (Gregory Peck) a nice hot curry (Ruby Murray) climbing the stairs (apples and pears) off with me boots (daisy roots) into bed (Uncle Ned) my head (loaf of bread) laid on the pillow (??) and some sleep (Bo Peep)!
Really had to search my memory bank for those ... lol!
22 Jan, 2014
Oh thanks Shirleyk, think I got them all apart from the Ruby, would never have got that one. lol :O) thank you again. :O)
22 Jan, 2014
You're welcome Barbara ... it really is a bizarre form of 'slang'! Forgot to say 'down the frog' is 'frog and toad' for road ... I wonder when this rhyming lark first started ... and why!!!
22 Jan, 2014
A gold star for Shirley and silver for Rose!
The slang was to foil the attempts of Sir Robert Peel's newly founded police force and their informers, either in the east end or in prison.
Three days off the fags now Rose and counting. Lol.
23 Jan, 2014
Well done Mouldy, keep up the good work, I found it helped if I put the money, I would have spent on ciggies, into a piggy bank and had a good spend once I got to the end of the week. You can do it if you tell yourself you CAN CAN CAN!! good luck :O) If you have a little slip up do not think you have failed, have another go and keep on trying until you have been successful. :O)
23 Jan, 2014
A Gold Star ... thanks Mouldy ... not had one of those since Infants School ... lol!
24 Jan, 2014
Who told you I was wearing a slip, Olive?
They've no right telling everyone my, ahem..., slip-ups, you say?
I thought you said...well, let's not get into that.
No there'll be none of those.
Alright, who whispered, "He's just made a big one", I demand to know!
Some of the dosh I'm saving is being spent on extra grub, believe it or not, which has built me up to eight and a half stone, while the rest goes on clothes.
Crazy, if you think about it, eh?
Infant school, Shirley?
Which begs the question, what happened after that...did you stop behaving youself the rest of your schoolday's? ;-)
24 Jan, 2014
Ha ha Mouldy ... there may have been a few after-school detentions later in my senior educational years! Let's say I never became a Prefect ... nor wanted to!
25 Jan, 2014
Prefects are bossy-boots and I'm sure, in later life, they gravitate to politics, so they can continue telling everyone else what to do. ;-)
25 Jan, 2014
Lol Mouldy!
27 Jan, 2014
and the non prefects keep on playing up and messing them about and the bossy prefects, now politicians, keep on wondering why they are never really in control. lol I for one have never ever done as I was told and too old to start and march in line now. lol. UP THE WORKERS!! LOL :o)
28 Jan, 2014
29 Jan, 2014
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That's a beauty. Do you put lights on it at Christmas?
10 Jan, 2014