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Clematis cirrhosa balearica....(scented January-March)

Clematis cirrhosa balearica....(scented January-March) (Clematis cirrhosa (Clematis))

Winter flowering, addressing the fact we have no winter flowering clems, OHs choice as they are his garden tokens!!

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Ah - there's one of your new Clems... now - where to plant it???

21 Jan, 2014


Have plenty of time to think about that, we cannot plant anything at the moment, the ground is soaking....

21 Jan, 2014


This looks a nice one, was looking at winter ones the other day.

21 Jan, 2014


will post a better photo of the flowers, so you can see them properly....

21 Jan, 2014


That's a lovely one for the winter Angela , well chosen :o)

21 Jan, 2014


Very nice Dd.....I love these winter ones!

21 Jan, 2014


Thanks both, I really could not believe we did not have one winter flowering Clematis, so like a woman on a mission I sourced 5, just waiting for delivery......

22 Jan, 2014


Good for you. I thoroughly approve. :-D)

23 Jan, 2014


Thanks,You were the one member who inspired me ..........

24 Jan, 2014


A really lovely choice.

Hope you love all the ones you have found.

24 Jan, 2014


Wildrose thanks, looking forward to planting them up, if it ever stops raining.......

25 Jan, 2014



27 Jan, 2014


My long range forecast is showing at least 5 days of sunshine in February from the middle of the month, so I am living in hope, we attend the NGS luncheon and a trip around Mark Porters stunning garden (our new area big wig and RHS council member) want to take some photographs of his garden, it is one of the beautiful gardens in Hampshire.......and you need good weather to be able to enjoy watch this space!!

28 Jan, 2014

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This photo is of "Clematis cirrhosa balearica." in Dottydaisy2's garden

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